Day in the Life

Mar 27, 1880

Journal Entry

March 27, 1880 ~ Saturday

27 We drove to Parawan I stoped with Jesse N Smith I attended
the conference I herd the report of the Different Branches and wards

By the Bishops and all the different Quorums & schools
J. G. Bleak spoke 25 M[inutes], W Woodruff 45 I reproved sin I received
in the Evening the last Letter I sent to the Twelve & Presid[enc]y {the revelation}
I sent them I spent the Evening with Jesse N Smith


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Bleak, James Godson
15 Nov 1829 - 30 Jan 1918
Smith, Jesse Nathaniel
2 Dec 1834 - 5 Jun 1906


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Discourse 1880-03-27
Apostle Wilford Woodruff was pleased to meet with the Saints on this Conference. Felt Leike saying what the Lord whgave him whether it be much or little. He felt that the Gospel is as good to day as when first revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith. "I some times think" said theat speaker, "that the Elders in Israel forget who they are and what their destinies ^are^. God [wants] us to bear off this work in triumph." He said we have no time to sell or drink liquor, and the time will come when a man will not be allowed to admi[ni]ster the sacrament or enter into the temple, who uses either one or the other. There is no time to be lost this gospel must be preached to every nation, kindred, tongue and people befor Jesus comes in His glory.
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
27. We Drove to parawan I stoped with Jesse N Smith I attended the conference I heard the report of the Different Branches and wards by the Bishops and all the Different Quorums and schools J. G. Bleak spoke 25 M[inutes] W Woodruff spoke 45 M[inutes]. {shorthand} I read in the evening My Last Letter to the Twelve & the {the revelation} I sent them I spent the evening with Jesse N Smith & family


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Mar 27, 1880