Day in the Life

Mar 28, 1880

Journal Entry

March 28, 1880 ~ Sunday

28. Sunday Prayer By Joseph Orton E Snow spoke
one hour & 25 Afternoon John E Dalley Prayed Br McFarlin
spoke 28 M[inutes]. The Authorities of the Church were sustained
W Woodruff spoke 50 M, Jesse N Smith 15, at the close we drove
to Paragoonay & held a Meeting J G Bleak & W Woodruff spoke
to the Meeting 6 miles


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Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
705 mentions
Bleak, James Godson
15 Nov 1829 - 30 Jan 1918
Smith, Jesse Nathaniel
2 Dec 1834 - 5 Jun 1906
9 mentions
6 mentions


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Discourse 1880-03-28
Apostle Woodruff. It has been asked some- times, when a person has been called on a mission. What has he done? now we want it understood that the doctrine of Church is not to send men on missions who have committed sins, but those that have lead pure lives. Spoke of the Elders in performing missions in the early rise of this Church; they had it to do or come under comdemnation. The speaker gave much valuable instruct- ion which was listened to with deep interest by the many people that were pres- ent.
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
March 28 Sunday prayer By Joseph Orton E Snow spoke 1 Hour 25 M[inutes] Afternoon John E Dalley Prayed Br McFarlin spoke 28 M[inutes].
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
The Authorities of the Church were presented & sustained and the Local Authorities W Woodruff spoke 50 M[inutes]. Jesse N Smith 15 M[inutes] we Drove to Paragoonay held a Meeting J G. Bleak & W Woodruff spoke to the people


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Mar 28, 1880