Day in the Life

Mar 25, 1881

Journal Entry

March 25, 1881 ~ Friday

25th We drove to Parawan Met with Erastus Snow held
a council Attended a consort of the young peoples Mutual in
the Evening G Teasdale & myself stoped with Thomas
19 M[iles].


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
701 mentions
Teasdale, George
8 Dec 1831 - 9 Jun 1907
717 mentions
Apostle, Missionary


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View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Apostles wash feet against enemies as directed in Wilford's Wilderness Revelation.

Mar 25, 1881