26. [Eliza R. Snow Discourse] I called upon Br Dame found him in poor health
We Met at 10 oclok for a quarterly Conference Prayer By
J. D. T. McAllister we had the verbal report of wards
given By the Bishops. The Statisdical report of the Stake
was then read E Snow then spoke 28 M[inutes]. Mary Ann
Lunt then gave a report of the Stake Relief Society
Ellen McGregor gave a report of the young Ladies Mutual
J D T McAllister spoke 35 M. Afternoon prayer By J. Gates
The Authorities of the Church were then presented & sustained
The officers of the Relief, Mutual, Primary & silk association
were presented and sustained Thomas J Jones spoke 3 M.
Br Jones was presented and sustained as the President
of the Stake in place of Wm H Dame resigned George
Teasdale spoke 30 M, J Gates 30, W Woodruff spok 10 M
We Met with the Twelve & board of St George factory
and liberated Br Jones we then Met with Eliza &
Zina with the primary Sister ZEliza showed the large
Body of Children Joseph Smith Gold watch which president
Y[ou]ng Bought it for her we held a Meeting in the Evening several
of the Brethren spoke
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