20. Sunday we Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Henry Oolson
Barnard Greenwood & Hiram Rasmussan reported
their wards of Yong Men W Woodruff spoke 60 Min
A K Thurber 15 M R Farnsworth 150 M
Afternoon Prayer By Paul Poulson We administered
the sacrament the first time it was administered since
the days of the Ancient Nephites The Authorities of
the society were then presented and sustained Franklin
Spencer then spoke 40 M, W Woodruff 430 Joseph West
10 M. R Segmiller spoke to the society we then dismised
this vary interesting conference we were Blessed with
much of the spirit of the Lord and I think much good
was done we took our teams drove to the outlet and
Examined the iEmbankment dam & gates which was
built to reservoy the Lake the whole Lake had been
raised about 4 feet the gate raised and a large stream
of water running out to water rabit valley we drove
down the outlet & camped at Browns Dairy 5 M.
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