21 some of the Brethren went into the Hills Early this morning
to see if they could kill a Deer Brother Thurber saw six shot
at one of them but got Nothing. We travelled to day 15
miles from Fish Lake outlet to Goosebury valley the worst
15 miles of Road I Ever travelled over with a carriage in my
life we had an appointment given out for a Meeting
they had supper waiting for us from 6 oclok. we did
not arive untill 8 oclok did not commence Meeting
untill about 9 oclok I told them the ownly Excuce I could
offer for not getting there before was that the Mountains
were too high, the vallies too Low, the roads too rocky and
Rough the Miles altogether to long, and the hours to short to
get there before we held a Meeting and Dismissed about
11 oclok took supper & went to bed at 12 and had a good nights
rest distance of the day 15 Miles
I think in crossing the highest point coming from the
Lake we were 11000 ^feet^ miles above the sea we spent the
Night with Andrew Jackson Russell
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