Day in the Life

May 26, 1890

Journal Entry

May 26, 1890 ~ Monday

26 I signed 37 Recommends I received 18 Letters
I had an interview with Wm Budge we Appropriated
$800 dollars to finish the Debt of the Paris Meeting
House also $800 to Cedar City Meeting House


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Letter from James Thomas, 26 May 1890
President W. Woodruff Dear Bro Permit me to place before your notice, a matter of some importance to the progress of our Ward. A year ago we welcomed the opening of a branch of the Z.C.M.I in our midst, believing that its manager and his assistants being members of the Church would render us good aid in building up and sustaining the Church in its work amid a people known to oppose and cast ridicule of every description against us. We now find that its manager is virtually a greater evil in our midst than the enemies by whom we are surrounded, by his example and influence upon our members with whom he is directly united. At the close of our Conference held at Lewisville on the 19th inst Bro Joseph A Smith was appointed to
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Cash from Church 100 Received from a Brother gift 50


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May 26, 1890