Day in the Life

May 29, 1890

Journal Entry

May 29, 1890 ~ Thursday

May 29, 1890
I signed 79 Recommends I received 38 Letters
A hand pointing to the right Keys crossed I wrote to Pheb A. Snow on Valley House property
I was wanted at Court yesterday but did not go


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34 mentions


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Letter from Angus Taylor Wright, 29 May 1890

Presidents Wilford Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith, My Dearly beloved Brethren: Your ever welcome letter of 28th ult. came duly to hand, and we were very much pleased to hear from you again, and fully appreciate your kindness in devoting so much of your valuable time in favoring us so often. I pleased to learn that brother Taft had had so much clemency shown him and that there is an opportunity offered for such unfortunates to repent and again be restored to fellowship. I really feel, from my acquaintance and associations with him, that he will fully appreciate and duly merit the salvation which is now offered him through his repentance. I was pleased also to learn that two more Elders were on their way to this field of labor; I will have one of the brethren meet and welcome them to Maoridom. There was one question I asked in my communication of March 19th, in regard to half-caste Maories emigrating

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, James Henry Hart, and Joseph Coulson Rich, 29 May 1890

Blackfoot, Idaho, Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Bro. A question has arisen in the Dist. Court here that is far reaching as regards many of our people in Idaho. Day before yesterday upon the application of Charles Briggs to become a citizen of the United States, the United States Marshal asked the Court permission to question the applicant which was granted whereupon he asked if he was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, to which question he answered that he was, upon which the Marshal and one Julius Bassett, an apostate, objected to the admission and challenged. Messrs. Hawley & Reeves, J. C. Rich & S. J. Rich Attys. at the bar denied the challenge and appeared for the applicant, under the advice of Prest. T. E. Ricks, and His Hon Judge Berrey ordered that the objectors should set forth their grounds and

Letter from George L. Farrell, 29 May 1890

Prest. W. Woodruff, Dear Brother: We are now going to start work on our Smithfield Tabernacle, and if possible we intend to continue the work until it is fully completed, it will cost about Ten Thousand Dollars to complete the building, and will take lots of talk, faith and works to raise that amount of means, but we do not feel to shrink in the least. If you remember, I asked you at Conference time, if you would kindly assist us from the Tithing Department, and you advised me to write and let you know our wants and you would bring the matter before the Brethren. We have already expended about Twenty Six thousand dollars on the building, Eight thousand dollars of which was furnished by the Tithing department, in Labor, Grain and Stock, which only netted us about Five thousand dollars, as we had to sell the grain for much less than it cost us, the balance of the means was furnished by the people. We have now on hand about Two hundred Dollars in Grain in the Tithing Office, and expect to receive Butter, Eggs, Hay, Grain &c through the

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Robert H Brashaw Martha Lovina Smith Paid for a Divorce of Pocatello 10


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May 29, 1890