Day in the Life

Dec 20, 1893

Journal Entry

December 20, 1893 ~ Wednesday

Dec 20, 1893
I spent the day in the office And attended to the duties of the
A hand pointing to the right day I received 3 Letters, one from G. Q. Cannon


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2284 mentions


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Letter from William H. Wilson, 20 December 1893

Rigby, Fremont Co, Idaho, Presdt W. Woodruff and Counselors Dear Sirs having been called as a Mission- ary to attend the Normal course at the Academy at Provo I feel it is my duty to go and do what I can although I have to borrow the money to pay my expences there. I can borrow grain from the missionary Fund, of our ward, by replacing it as soon as I am able. So I have concluded to go and try to learn all I can Your Brother in the Gospel Wm H Wilson

Letter from David Hyrum Packard, 20 December 1893

Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Your's of the 13th inst is at hand. notifing me that I have been selected to go on a mission to Australasia. Allso wishing to know of my feelings in regards to the call. In reply will say that, I will be ready through the blessings of God to start at the time mentioned in your letter. Please let me know the date that I shall have to appear at the Historians Office to be set apart. As ever

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash to Emma 10, Tithig $15 25

Letter from George Gwillym Bywater, 20 December 1893

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. . President Woodruff Dear Brother: About the 10th inst I recieved a letter addressed to my son Caleb J. Bywater in my care. He not being in the city I addressed it to Helper Station on the Rio Grand Western where he was working. He came home two days ago, on account of being called in through a reduction of the forces in the mechanical departments, which is usual this season of the year On his arival home I learned that the letter I had mailed to him was closed with your signature informing him that "his name had been suggested and accepted as a missionary to Oklahama." And it is upon this matter that I wish to communicate to you some information that I deem it proper you should be made acquainted with. It is a matter of deep regret with me that my son Caleb is not at present qualified for so important a

Letter from George Gwillym Bywater, 20 December 1893


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Dec 20, 1893