Day in the Life

Dec 21, 1893

Journal Entry

December 21, 1893 ~ Thursday

21. Received a Letter from G Q Cannon concerning
his son we Met at the Temple & had prayers


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2284 mentions


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Telegram from Helmar Stephany, 21 December 1893

RECEIVED at SALT LAKE, UTAH. 1047 [a] Dated Chicago n To Manager Tabraernacle Offer Imperial Vienna Prater Orchestra January Twelfth & thirteenth concerts string & brass orachestra has no Equal wire terms Helmar Stephany 90 Metropolitan Blk

Letter from John Douglass Hooper, 21 December 1893

First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Laterday saints. Dear SirBrethren, In answer to yours of the 18th I can say that realizing that it is my duty to do as I am called upon by those placed in authority I cheerfully respond to your call and will go and do the best that I can. I remain as ever, Your Bro in the gospel, John D. Hooper.

Letter from Bird Lynwood Murphy, 21 December 1893

Sugar House Ward President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In answering my call to take a mission to the Suthern States I feel of all men most week. But the worthy teachings of a good Father have always been, respond to evry call that is made of you, by those in athorety, no matter how difficult it may seem, that my back would be fited for the task, and my labors would become a pleasure to me instead of burdon. Therefore my object in life has always been to obey his wise counsel, and on ev^e^ry

Letter from John Roland Halliday, 21 December 1893

Pleasant Grove Utah Dec Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake Utah Dear Brother Replying to yours of 18th relative to my name having been accepted as a missionary to the Southern States to start January 27th [18]94 Will say that I, though unexpearanced, gladly accept of the call and will be in Salt Lake prepaired to start on date above mentioned, if all is well. You will understand I am imployed as agent for the Union Pacific Co here and If you could tell me the route that will be taken by the company of missionaries for the Southern Stakes, if over the UP, I am of the opinion I can get free transportation ^for my self^ to Kansas City and perhaps over connecting lines if I knew what roads we would travel over awaiting the above information I Remain Your Brother in the Gospel J R Halliday Approved— Joseph E Thorne Bp of Pleasant Grove 1st Ward See over.

Letter from John William Ford, 21 December 1893

Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro, I have recieved a notice for a mission to Turkey, and as near as I can find out, it is a warm climate. Several years ago my eyes failed me on account of the heat, and they are a little weak yet at times. Therefore I have moved up to Morgan Co every summer since my eyes were afflicted where it is a little cooler. have just return- ed from there now, is the reason of not answering your letter before. I am satisfied my eyes will not stand a hot climate.

Letter from Joseph W. Huish, 21 December 1893

Payson President Woodruff Dear Brother I write this Note in answer to the call made upon me to go ^to^ the Southern States on a mission and Will Say that I am thankfull that I am considered Worthy to fill this possition and Will also Say that I am Willing to go but my Parents feel they Would liked had I been called to Grate Britton. as In the City of London on my Mothers Side we have many relitives also ^in^ Herifordshir on my Farther's Side.

Letter from Victor P. Wells, 21 December 1893

Salt Lake City, Utah President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: The notice I received to leave this City January 3rd 1894 on a mission to Oklahoma, Indian Territory. I am sorry to state that, my circumstances are such that it will be impossible for me to leave at such an early date. But if the time could be extended until February 1st 1894 or thereabouts, I would appreciate the favor, and be pleased to comply with the call. Your brother in the Gospel Victor P. Wells. Endorsed O. F. Whitney Bishop 18th Ward. This is all right, and as soon as he is prepared he can so notify us. J. F. S.

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 23 December 1893

To the First Presidency, Salt Lake City. Dear Brethren: Kindly furnish Bro. W. C. Spence with the ammount of $23 80/100 for my return fare from Ft. Gibson I. Ty. home. Also please to send one of those Elders, (I wrote you for some time since, to send to Oklahoma) into the Manard Conference instead. The other to Orlando OK. Elder Spence has instructions for the R.Road route, please send the oldest or brightest to Oklahoma, am well and suc- cesful. Elders and Saints all in splendid condition. Kind regards Respectfully Your Bro, Andrew Kimball, O.K. He will have to get a ticket home. J. F. S.

Letter from J. B. Morton, 21 December 1893

Salt Lake City, Utah, Messrs. Wilfred Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon & Jos. F. Smith, First Presidency C. of J. C. of L. D. S. Salt Lake City, Gentlemen: At a meeting of the Board of Education, held Dec. 14th, 1893, your communication tendering the use of the Tabernacle for the Teachers' National Educational Association was received. I was in-structed to say to you that the Educational Association had decided not to meet in Salt Lake City, but will hold their annual session at Duluth. Therefore, we will not need the tabernacle which you have so kindly offered for their disposal, and I express to you the thanks of the Board of Education for your kind offerZ. Very respectfully, J. B. Moreton Clerk.

Letter from William Pile Silver, 21 December 1893

Provo, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Brother: I received your call for mission to Samoa, Sunday the 17th. Would say in reply I am willing to go and will be on hand at the time appointed. Please send me particulars as soon as possible, in regard to fare what I will have to take and when expected to be set apart and leave Salt Lake City. Your Brother in the Gospel Wm P. Silver. R S. Gibby Bp. All right. Give him information needed J F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Walter A Porter & Olive S. F Porter Paid for Divorce Orderville 10


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Dec 21, 1893