Day in the Life

Dec 30, 1893

Journal Entry

December 30, 1893 ~ Saturday

30. I spent the day at home

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Letter from Alma Johnson, 30 December 1893

Manti, Utah, Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro: Yours of the 22nd inst calling me on a mission to Great Britain received. I expect to be on hand on the day set Your Brother in the Gospel. Alma Johnson Bro Alma Johnson is one of my teachers and a faithful good man William T. Reid Bishop Manti North Ward Good J. F. S.

Letter from Andrew Peter Fillerup, 30 December 1893

Lake view Pres Wilford Woodruff Der Bro Your letter of Dec 18 recived and in reply will say that if nothing unforseen prevents I will be on hand to fill the call to Scandinavia on the date you mention your Bro in the Gospel A. P. Fillerup John Johnson Bp All right J. F. S.

Letter from James A. S. Smith, 30 December 1893

Tooele City President Wilford Woodruff Dear brother yours of the 18th came duly to hand which I am rather long in answering my reasons are as follows I have a quarter section of land which I have not proved up on yet & I find that it would ^take^ at least two months to secure it, which if not done before I leave will be forfeited I do not like to loose it, if it can be helped, but I realise that the work which I am called to help with

Letter from Simeon Atwood Hunsaker, 30 December 1893

Bear River . Presdent Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Yours of the 28th inst. came to hand to-day. Will say in reply that there are no obstacles that I am aware off at present, in the way of filling this mission, unless it should be money. I will not off my self be able to raise more than ($200) Two Hundred Dollars. I have alway expected to go on a mission some place, I have felt like I would like Germ- any better than any other place. But now am, and have always felt like responding to any call


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Dec 30, 1893