Day in the Life

Dec 31, 1893

Journal Entry

December 31, 1893 ~ Sunday

31. Sunday I spent this day at home mostly reading

This is the Last of the year of 1893. It has been a vary
important year in Many respects It has been a hard
year throughout the world in financial Matters money
hard to obtain. Their has been the Greatest changes taken
place concerning the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints during the year 1893 Ever known since it's
Organization A Bill for the Admission of Utah into
the Union as A State Passed the House of Representatives
with ownly 5 opposing votes. The Mormon Quire took
the 2nd Prize in the Chicago fair in contesting agains the
world W. Woodruff G Q Cannon & J F Smith as the
Presidency of the Church was Received with open
Arms at the Chicago fair by the Leading Men of the world
Even the Mayor & citizens of Jackson County Enterta-
inded us & made us welcome And all our opponets
in Utah have laid down the weapons of war And
Ask for a state Government Our Temple is Dedicated
on the following Page will be recorded A synopsis of 1893


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2259 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4128 mentions


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Letter from James C. Knudsen, 31 December 1893
President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother. Your notification informing me of my appointment as a missionary to Samoa was received yesterday. In regards to my feelings, I can only say that I feel as most young men do. rather timid. But otherwise I feel to except the call. And with the help of God, I will go and do the best that lies in my power for the further- ance of this great and glorious work in which we are engaged. Your Brother in the Gospel. James. C Knudsen Provo City. Andrew Knudsen Bishop good J. F. S.
Letter from Joseph Mackay, 31 December 1893
Granger Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother your Letter of the 6 inst Just, recieved in reply to your Letter I am not in circumstance that I can go as I am heavy in dept I am in the Sheep Buisness you no how that has Been the Last year but at some future time I mite go it will take some time for me to get out of dept I told Brother Bringust our Presedent [Cacler] of my Counclison But he failed to tell the Presedent and for that reason my Name has Been Placed as a Missionary
Letter from W.R. Stoddard, 31 December 1893
Unitah Wilfard Woodruff. Geo Q Cannon Jos F. Smith Dear Bros I will eccept the Mission to Provo and will be there in January the (8) Your Brother in the Gospel W. R. Stoddard


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Dec 31, 1893