Day in the Life

Jan 1, 1894

Journal Entry

January 01, 1894 ~ Monday

Jan 1, 1894
I spent most of the day at home went to Clara
& took Dinner of Turkey went to the Theater in the Evening


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Beebe, Clara Martisha Woodruff
23 Jul 1868 - 29 Dec 1927
418 mentions


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Business/Financial - Financial Notes, circa 1893

Letter from Albert S. Jones, 1 January 1894

Provo City Presi^d^nt Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Brother, Your letter of Dec. 29th 1893 was duely received and contents noted. In regards to being called as a Missionary to Samoa, I will state that it was quite unexpected, all though I feel it my duty to respond when call up on. I will go and do the best I can in every respect. I have no reasonable excuse to offer. Your Bro. in the Gospel Albert S Jones. Andrew Knudsen Bishop All right J. F. S.

Letter from Charles Carl Lindell, 1 January 1894

Sandy Prisedent Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro In answer to your communication respecting me going on a mission to Scandinavia would say that I except the appointment and will be ready to start at time appointed Jan 25, [18]94 Your Brother &c Charles Lindell I endorse the above and recomend Bro. Lindell as a worthy missionary Very Respectfully James Jensen Bsp. Sandy ward O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Johannes Hansen, 1 January 1894

Scipio President Woodruff. Dear Brother: ^I wish you a happy New Year. J. H.^ I take the liberty ones more to write to you to indform you about my doings, as an Adobted son 1. A little over tow years ago, when I was leiving at St Thomas, Lincoln Coun- ty, Nevada, I got aquinted with late Brother John Quarenberg, that had left Scipio, on acount of Pollagamy Persecution. I made and indquering [inquiry] about Scipio, and if he could not tell me about a wommen, that needed a man to help her to raise her children, and that I was a man of charrty, and that, I was willing to do so. And he give me the Description, of one, a Denish wommen, and a wedow, that had five children. That she had a little Farm; but still soported by the Fast Doanation.

Letter from William Taylor, 1 January 1894

Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro in receveing notice of a Mission to great Britain i must say that it was unexpected at so early a date, as i was assureing my self that i should not be called before Latter in the Spring. But i do not know that i would be eany better Prepared then than now, as i have sucsecded in makeing arrangements froor the Provoiding of my fameily while i am away, which at first seemed imposable in so short a time. But with a continuation of the Blessing of the Lord, i shall be on hand for to be set apart on date named in notice, in regardes my feelings it all seem folly to me at Present i cannot see what good that i can Be in such a calling, yet i hope that i shall never see the time

Letter from Ransom Marion Stevens, 1 January 1894

Fagalii, Samoa, . To The First Presidency, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: The arrival of the Steamship "Alameda" on the 29th ult., without bringing any elders for the Samoan mission, was a greater disappointment than before, as I had thought we would surely receive some aid this time. However, will still endeavor to do the very best we can, trusting continually in the assistance of the Lord, whose power never fails His faithful children in times of necessaity. All is quite well with us at the present time, & spiritually we feel to rejoice in the good work in which we are engaged. The Lord is greatly blessing us all in our labors, & now that a new year has just dawned we have a still greater desire to diligently perform the duties incumbent upon us. Would be pleased if you could send us two more missionaries in May. Kindly advise me regarding the distribution of Elder Dean's Samoan tract, as it contains a lengthy article on the subject of plural marriage, which is quite difficult to explain to the satisfaction of the natives. We Elders, when questioned regarding it, tell the people that, for the present at least, "polygamy" has

Letter from Henry Clegg, 1 January 1894

Heber, Utah, -[1894]- To the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Dear Brethren, In answer to your letter, We have appointed Brother John A. Fortie to attend the school at Provo. We think he will be very suitable for the mission, and fill the requirements according to your letter of advice. He will be on hand at the time appointed. Respectfully Yours in the Covenant of Peace. Henry Clegg Bp. Heber West Ward All right. send him notice. J. F. S.

Letter from David King Udall, Elijah Norman Freeman, and William Hoover Gibbons, circa January 1894

Letter from Joseph Brigham Keeler, cira 1894

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Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

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Jan 1, 1894