Day in the Life

Jan 3, 1894

Journal Entry

January 03, 1894 ~ Wednesday

3 I spent the day in the office Mostly in company with my
two councillers I went to Nephyi Claytons & took a Meal
of fresh oysters on the shell & clams. I attended a Bank Meeting


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Letter from Chicago Press Clipping Bureau, 3 January 1893

Chicago, , Hon. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Utah. President Mormon Church. Dear sir, Would you care to have us collect for you all editorial comments relating to the admission of Utah as a state from papers all over the U. S. showing public opinions on the subject These when pasted in a book will make an interesting and val- uable souvenir. Please let us know if there is any way we can serve you Our charges are $200 per month, on any one subject. Yours Respty THE CHICAGO PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU, Per Theo Wiese mgr.

Letter from Chicago Press Clipping Bureau, 3 January 1893

Letter from Lewis Warren Shurtliff and Richard Alando Ballantyne, 3 January 1894

Ogden President Wilford Woodruff And Counsel Dear Brethren We have just recieved notice that Arnold Bowman has offered himself to take a 20 weeks Course of instruction in Sunday School work at the Provo Academy He lives in West Weber Ward and is recommend- ed by the Bishop of the Ward. With much regard We are your brethren in the gospel Lewis W. Shirtliff Richard Ballantyne

Letter from Axel Bannard Jansson, 3 January 1894

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother your notice dated S L. C. Dec 18 have come to hand. In regard to going on a mision to Scandinavia, I must state, that I see no possibility at present, to go to that way of land, because the means nessessary I could not obtain at present, for the reason that the property I have to despose of is not the kind that can be conveyed into cash in theese days

Letter from Edgar Monroe Lindsay, 3 January 1894

Pres. Woodruff. Dear Bro, I have your notice of Dec. 18th 1893 that I have been recomended and was called to perform a mission to Great Britton. I feel favored to think I have been counted worthy to perform so great a work. I will be there at the appointed time. Your Bro. in the in the Gospel Edgar M. Lindsay All right Wm Budge All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Peter William Olson, 3 January 1894

Prec. Willford Woodruff Dear Bro. Yours of the 22 Dec. is Recieved And I will say that I can not go et Preacent. On Account of I am in debt over $500 00/100 and a Little Small Whome I Bught Last Year. With My Kindness Regards Your Bro. P. W. Olson N R Lewis Bp I would give him time, as usual. J. F. S.

Letter from Soren Peterson, 3 January 1894

Spanish Fork, Utah, Prest. Woodruff Your letter dated Dec. 22nd informing me that I am wanted for a Mission to Scandinavia has just come to hand, with the Envelope marked "mis-sent." In regard to my circumstances they are not as good as I wish they were, as the mother of my children is dead, the youngest of which is only 9 years old and the next 11 years. They of course need my care. they would have to be left in care of they older ones who are at home, a Son of 24 and a Daughter of 18. Financiely I would have to borrow some money, but I will leave it for you to judge, and if it is the will of the Lord that I should go, I shall try my best to get ready for 27th of Jan. Please let me hear from you as soon as possible Respectfully Soren Peterson (over)

Letter from George Teasdale, Alexander Findlay Macdonald, and Henry Eyring, 3 January 1894

Colonia Juarez, January 3rd 1894 Prest. Wilford Woodruff and Counselors, Salt Lake City, Dear Brethren, Learning that Pres't Moses Thatcher's health is still delicate and that his coming here is somewhat uncertain, we therefore respectfully ask that Vice President John H. Smith be delegated instead, provided that Bro Thatcher cannot come. You will remember that Prest Thatcher was appointed chairman of the Committee that was to take into consideration the adjustment of land titles to the colonists. This subject being of vital importance and really required by the General Government to be consum- mated without delay, you will readily see the necessity of the chairman of this title committee to be a hand to


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Jan 3, 1894