Day in the Life

Jan 4, 1894

Journal Entry

January 04, 1894 ~ Thursday

4th I spent the forenoon in the office the Afternoon in the Temple
And had Prayers


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Letter from Jonathan Golden Kimball, 4 January 1894

Chattanooga, Tenn.^Logan City, Utah^, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah Dear Bro: Is seems quite urgent that an efficient Elder should be notified as soon as possible, to fill the vacancy, that will take place in the office of Southern States Mission next spring. The Elder should have at least three to five months experience in the missionary field. Trust you will see proper to object to said Elder taking his family. It is not agreeable with our wishes unless you deem it wise to do so. Your Bro &c. J G Kimball Who can we get?

Letter from D.F. Davis, 4 January 1894

President Wiford Woodruff: Dear Brother, Bishop Albert W. Davis requested me to write you in answer to yours of Dec. 7th, 1893 to him calling for a young man from this ward to attend the M. I. Normal Course at the B. Y. Academy and say there are two or three young men in this ward who are qualified to go if they had the means to pay the nescesary expenses, and as the ward is not able to do it for them, it will be impossible

Letter from Edward Meeks McArthur, 4 January 1894

St. George . Pres. Willford Woodruf Salt lake City Dear Brother Your letter bearing date of Dec. 30, 1893 came to hand last evening in the which I am called on a mission which I very willingly accept and will be there on the stated time unless something un- usual happens. Your Brother Edward M. McArthur I heartily Endorse the above Respectfully Thomas P Cottam Bishop 4th St George Ward Good. J. F. S.

Letter to William J. Irvine, 4 January 1894

Salt Lake City, . 189 Elder William J. Irvine, City. Dear Brother: Your name has been suggested and accepted as a Missionary to Australasia. The work of the Lord is progressing in the nations, and faithful, energetic Elders are needed in the ministry to promulgate the Everlasting Gospel, openings for doing good appearing in numerous directions. Yourself, with others, having been selected for this mission, should there be no reasonable obstacles to hinder you from going, we would be pleased to have you make your arrangements to start from this City at as early a date as sail from Vancouver, Feby. 16th, 1895. Please let us know, at your earliest convenience, what your feelings are with regard to this call. If you accept it you will receive no further notification, but will be expected to present yourself at the Historian's Office to be set apart on the day previous to that appointed for your departure. Your Brother in the Gospel, Wilford Woodruff P.S. Please have your Bishop endorse your answer. [unknown writer] Reported in person: Would like to fill a mission altho' he admitted backwardness on his part in performance of religious duties; home under mortgage, and has had sickness in family. Will take him 18 months to get finacially free. [Joseph Fielding Smith] All right. Let him

Letter from James Cobbley, 4 January 1894

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother We take pleasure in recommending the name of Franklin. J. Banks. to the Young mens mutual course at the BYA. respectfully your Brother in the Gospel, James Cobbley, Bp. All right J. F. S.

Letter from Oliver Cromwell Ormsby, 4 January 1894

Logan, Utah. . Pres W. Woodruff Dear Brother In compli- ance with your request I send you the names of two Sunday School Missionaris for a Sunday school course at the Provo School viz Jos Jeppison of Millville, & W. H. Maughan Jr of Wellsville cache co I regret very much not being able to send you the names of more Brethren, but money is so very scarce in this County, it is simply impossible to get men to go—We have confered personally with or written urgent & pressing letters to every Supt in the Co concerning this matter. I have also labored with the Bps who have done their utmost to fill the call we made upon their

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

To girl $3 Nailer shoe Bill $8 11


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Jan 4, 1894