Day in the Life

Jan 5, 1894

Journal Entry

January 05, 1894 ~ Friday

5. I spent most of the day in the office Professor Talmage 6 Mils
read to the Presidency his lecture upon Faith Repentance and
Baptism and the reception of the Holy Ghost


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Talmage, James Edward
21 Sep 1862 - 27 Jul 1933


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Letter from William W. Wadley, 5 January 1894

Preasadent Woodruff Dear Bro I recived yours of Dec 11 I was not to home when your letter come and I did not arive home untill last evening. Mmy feelings ar[e] that I will accept the mission to the accadma[y] for the sunday School. I will do you the utmost to fu[l]f[i]l the call to the th[e] best of my ability your bro in the Gosple Wm. W. Wadley

Letter from Soren Peterson, 5 January 1894

Spanish Fork, Utah, Prest. Woodruff Your favor of 4th inst. just at hand, releasing me for the present from taking a mission to Scandinavia. Since writing you I have been thingking the matter over and have been looking around to see what I could do, my oldest Son has promished to stay at Home while I go on this mission, and I have also found where to borrow some money and taking everything into consideration I feel that perhaps my circumstances are as good now as they will be in the future, and as I feel that I shall have to perform this mission at some time and unless you have made arrangements to fill my place I think that I should prefer to go now. Kindly advise me as soon as possible. Yours truly Soren Peterson see over

Letter from Alma V. Huish, 5 January 1894

Payson, . Presd't Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: Replying to your letter of Dec. 30th 1893 calling me on a mission to Great Britain, will say that I feel weak and incapable for the duty, of my own strength; but with the help of the Lord will try to go at the stated time (March 10th [18]94) Trusting all will be prosperous and point to this end. I remain Your Brother in the Gospel. Alma V. Huish Bp. John E. Huish Payson first ward All right J. F. S.

Letter from George Scott Jr., 5 January 1894

Manti, . Prest Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother, Your favor of 27th Ult. was received by me last week, but through sickness I was prevented laying it before the presidency of the 48th quorum till last evening. I am instructed by them to inform you that, God willing, I will be in Salt Lake City, in time to start from there on Feb. 3d with other missionaries, and will present myself at the Historian's office on the day previous. Your brother in the Gospel, George Scott. Good. J. F. S.

Letter from James Franklin Hiatt, 5 January 1894

Payson City . Mr. Wilford Woodruff, Dear brother, I received your letter of the 30th desiring me take a mission to the Southern States. My feelings are almost indescribable regarding it; but I will try and go at the time you desired. Yours truly James F. Hiette. J. S Page Jr. Bp. Good. J. F S.

Letter from Samuel Henry Wells, 5 January 1894

St George Pres. Woodruff, Dear Bro, Yours of Dec. 26th received. I assure you I consider it a great honer to be counted worthy, to go as a missionary to the nation's of the earth to preach the Gospel of Christ. And if I can possiably get the mean's I will be in Salt Lake City at the time appointed. Perhaps it would be as well to state, for the last four years or since my fathers death, my brother and I have been learning trades, con- sequently my financial condition is such that I will not be able to get the money, in the length of time alloted me, without hireing it, and will have to pay it back when I return. As far as my feeling's are concerned when a call of this kind comes, and I begin

Letter from William Warren Child, 5 January 1894

To the First Presidency of the Church Dear Brethren In answer to your circular Instructing us to select a Representative to the B Y Academy to take a Course of Instriction for the govenment of the Mutual Improvement Association We have selected Joseph W. Arave he will be present at the opening of the Term Your Brother in the Gosple Wm W Child Bishop Per Jas Johnson Clerk All right J. F. S.


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Jan 5, 1894