Day in the Life

Feb 23, 1898

Journal Entry

February 23, 1898 ~ Wednesday

Wednesday Feb 23rd Drove to the office. Feeling well. I thought it for the
best to write my views and feelings on the matter which has been on
my mind for some time and which has been made quite clear to
me, in regard to the Godhead, and of which I hope to be able to speak at

the coming conference, so that I can submit the same to Bros Cannon & Smith
went home at 415 pm


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2273 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4135 mentions


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Letter from John William Orrock, 23 February 1898

Richfield . President Wilford Woodruff: Dear Brother: According to the request of the missionary committee that I report as early as possiable regarding a mission I now take pleasure in stating that I will try to be on hand when ever I am called. I will only add that my means are very limited but I trust I may be able to meet any call you deem proper to make of me. I am Very Respectfully Yours John W. Orrock. Richfield Sevier Co. Utah Theo. Brandley Bishp.

Letter from Thomas C. Winn, 23 February 1898

Nephi City, Utah, . Hon. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: In response to your kind favor of the 7th. inst., wherein you state that my name had been suggested and accepted as a missionary to Germany, while I feel keenly my inability to properly magnify such an important calling in the gospel, yet do I also feel highly honored in being chosen as an eambassador of our Lord Jesus, and having faith that he will bless my humble efforts, I accept the call and will be on hand, to be set apart, at the Historian's office on the day previous to that appointed for my departure, as you request. Your Brother in the Gosple T. C. Winn T. H. G. Parkes. Bp. 2nd Ward. Nephi.

Telegram to James Godson Bleak, 23 February 1898

Received at St. George at 1:30 Pm Dated, Salt Lake Ut. Feb. 23. To James G. Bleak St. George. Does my record show that I have ever been sealed to my father Aphek? Aphek Woodruff? W. Woodruff. LINES TO ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN UTAH, PIOCHE, NEVADA, AND PARIS, IDAHO. [sideways text] BE SURE YOU ANSWER BY THIS LINE. SEE OFFICE ADDRESS ON THIS MESSAGE. [end of sideways text]

Letter from Theodore Brandley, 23 February 1898

Richfield, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Inclosed please find letter from Elder Thurber in re- gard to the call made upon him for a mission. He is a son of Pres. A K. Thunber & will make a good missionary. With kindest regards Your Brother in the Gospel Theo. Brandley

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 23 February 1898

Rexburg, Idaho President W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother, Replying to your favor of 19th inst. in the matter of Elders Conrad Walz and Fred Pfort. We have seen the brethren and have made the following arrangements. Brother Walz will go on time set viz. 23 April and Brother Pfort says he will be ready to go October 15. Hoping this will be satisfactory Your Brother in the Gospel T E Ricks

Letter from John Whittaker Taylor, 28 February 1898

Dear Prest Woodruff I would recommend the following persons for Missionaries to Colorado. their names have been approved by their Bishops, Presidents of Stakes and brother John Henry Smith: Ci Robinson Thatcher Arizona Frank Layton [Thatcher] Do [Arizona] Heber Layton [Thatcher] Do [Arizona] ^Already Notified for the Colorado Mission G. R^ Wm Henry McBride Pema Graham Co. Arizona Joseph A McRae St David Do [Graham Co.] Do [Arizona] has been told James W. Richards St. Joseph Navajo Co. Arizona Thomas Hancock. Taylor Do [Navajo Co.] Do [Arizona] Prest Kimball and Jesse N. Smith may repeat these names when they send in their lists but when I left the St Joseph Stake brother Kimball had not his list ^of missionaries^ made out. We leave for S Concho tomorrow morning Trusting this will find you and the brethern all well I am as ever, Yours very respectfully John W. Taylor


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Feb 23, 1898