Day in the Life

Feb 24, 1898

Journal Entry

February 24, 1898 ~ Thursday

Thurs Feb 24. At the office this morning. I attended my usual meeting at
the Temple at 11 a.m also a special meeting of the Directors of Z S. B & T. Co
from 3 to 5 p.m. on the matter of the Utah Loan & Trust Co. It was decided to try and
raise $150,00000 & purchase the Bank Building, pay off the mortgage and other
indebtedness and let the Bank go out of existence. I spent the evening at my
Frison Feb 25thOwens residence, they having some company until 11 oclock.


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
637 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary


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Letter from Albert O. McMullin, 24 February 1898

Price, Utah, Elder Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother Yours of Feb 11th came duely at hand. Stating that I had been suggested and acceped as missionary to Sothern States. Replying will say that I accept of the call and will be in Salt Lake a day or two prior to April 21th to be set a part as per cuh curcular of instruction all being well Your Brother in the Gosple Albert O. Mc Mullins Bp Ernest S. Horsely

Letter from John W. Waite, 24 February 1898

Dayton President Woodruff Dear Brother you will pleas excuse me for my enigerance but I want to ask you for is my release from my mission on these grounds my Father died last fall and left a Familey of nine children and it was thought best for me to go on mission at first but the Place is under a morgage and none to work the Place only me and I though it was my duty to stay and try and surpote the children that was left and ^that are^ apt to be

Letter from Nathaniel Burbank Marble, 24 February 1898

Deweyville . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. S. L. City. Dear Bro: In reply to the call made of me on the 19 inst can say that I accept, and should nothing of a selrious nature happen, will be prepared to leave at the time stated in the call. Your Brother in the Gospel N. B. Marble. George C Dewey Bishop

Letter from Robert B. Neal, 24 February 1898

Pres. Wm. Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Sir: Circumstances render it necessary for me to investi- gate the claims of so called Mor- monism as thoroughly as I can. Once begun interest in my work grows on me. I prefer going to headquarters—This wisdom will be commended I am sure. Recognizing, of what are called Mormons, two classes I wrote directly to Pres. Jos. Smith of Laomi, Ia. He kindly answered my letter and commended to me as aids: The Bible, Book of Mormon, Book of Doctrines & Covenants, Voice of Warning and History of the Church of Latter Day Saints" by


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Feb 24, 1898