Day in the Life

Mar 21, 1898

Journal Entry

March 21, 1898 ~ Monday

Mon Mar 21st It snowed till 2 pm. I went to the office this morning, received
a letter from Madam Mountford from Constantinople also a birthday card; very
busy all day in meetings on financial matters went home at 430 pm.


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Letter from Edward Thomas, 21 March 1898

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, I received yours of the 15th inst. asking me if I could fill a mission to Great Britain. After due consideration I have concluded to accept, and will make preparations to leave on the seventh of May as stated in your letter. Your Brother in the Gospel Edward Thomas S. F. Atwood Bp Kamas Ward

Letter from Jacob Olsen, 21 March 1898

Vernal Utah President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother. Your favor of the 16 inst. to hand, and in reply I will say that by the help of God, I will respond promptly to the call. I have not a dollar in sight, but, "the Lord will provide." I remain your Brother in the Gosple Jacob Olsen James. M. Shaffer Bp Merrill Ward Uintah Stake

Letter from John Peterson, 21 March 1898

Moab Utah Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother In reply to yours of March 16th. Will say that I accept the call to fill the mission to the Southern States, and will do so to the best of my ability and will make all necessary arrangements to start on the day named April 28. The Lord being my helper Your Brother John Peterson D. A. Johnson Bp

Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 21 March 1898

President Wilford Woodruff. Chairman General Board of Education. Dear Brother, During my last circuit through the Stakes in Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado, that the Saints were desirous more than ever for the advantages of one church school edu- cation. In consequence, therefore, the Juarez Stake Academy takes the lead among the four churchschools in Mexico, namely at Diaz, Dublan, and Pacheco. The Juarez Academy will soon be ready to occupy the new and commodious premises provided for here by the energy and devotion of the authorities and people of that flourishing community. All the teachers of these schools are duly authorized by the General Board, either by diploma or license, those of the latter class will pass their examinations for standing certificates during the summervation before Profs. Geog C. Wilson and Charles R. Fillerup, who have been appointed under certain regulations as deputies of the Board of Examiners. I have also appointed Prof. Wilson as In- spector of the Juarez District of Churchschools, so that

Letter from James Ephraim Steele, 21 March 1898

President Wilford Woodruff and Counselors, Salt Lake City, Ut. My Dear Brethren— Will You Answer the following questions and greatly oblige 1st question—Should a president of a primary assocation call on Non Members of the Church, to open and close thair Association Meetings by prayer. 2nd Would it be proper for the president of the primary association to write out a set form of prayer, and give it to children not of the church, and ask them to take it home and commit it to memory? These questions has ^been^ brought to our attention. Myself and first Counselor can not endorse them. We will appreciate your Answer as we know it will be right. Your Bro & C Labor for christ Jas. E. Steele

Letter from Soren Yorgesen, 21 March 1898

Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In repply to my call of March 15th, as a Mis- sionary to the Northern States, will say that I feel willing to re- spond to said call and if nothing una- voidable prevents will try and be on hand to take my departure at the

Letter from Owen Thomas Davis, 21 March 1898

Samaria Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, I received your Letter of the 16 requesting me to be ready by April 14, 1898 to go to Eastern States. I am willing to accept this call, and shall be ready at date mentioned. Yours Truly, Owen Davis. Daniel E. Price Bishop

Letter from John William Edward Scott, 21 March 1898

Millville, Cache Co. President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother I receive your letter of march 11th as being selected for a missionary to the Southern States. To leave November 17th, 1898. I am willing to accept the mission and do the best I can with the help of the Lord, and, will be ready to start at the appointed time. If no obstacles accure to prevent my going. Your Brother in the Gospel J. W. E. Scott John E. Roueche Bp.

Letter from James Willie Richards, 21 March 1898

St Joseph . President Woodruff Dear Brother; In as much as I have been called to labor as a missionary I feel that it is my duty to go, & will be on hand at the appointed time Your Brother J. W. Richards John Bushman Bishop

Letter from The Press Clipping Bureau, 21 March 1898

New York, . Robert and Linn Luce. Readers of Newspapers and Dealers in Newspaper Information We read more papers than are read by any other bureau in the World. OFFICES IN BOSTON-CINCINNATI-DENVER D. A. H. Mr. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir:— You must be interested, to a very great extent, in all news- paper comments relating to Mormoms and your religion, in various parts of this country. We shall be pleased to furnish you with everything that ap- pears in the press of the United States, Canada and Foreign countries relating to Mormoms, Latter Day Saints and everything of interest to you in connection with your religion. We are furnishing these comments to a number of religious societies and sects of this country, and they find our service of the greatest value in keeping in touch with their affairs throughout the world. We can furnish you with our service, from any section that you may wish, leaving out the State of Utah if you prefer. We shall be pleased to furnish you with a sample service for a limited time if you so desire. Hoping to hear from you, we are— Very truly yours, THE PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU, J. H. R. Dictated J. H. R.


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Mar 21, 1898