Day in the Life

Mar 22, 1898

Journal Entry

March 22, 1898 ~ Tuesday

Tues Mar 22. drove to the office, am feeling well in my health and spirits
we met several strangers this morning. I attended a meeting of the General
Church Board of Education this afternoon. I went home at 4 pm.


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Letter from Alma Lamoni Sargent, 22 March 1898

Hoytsville, . Pres. Woodruff. Dear Bro. In reply to yours of the 17 Inst. IIn which I am informed that my name has been submitted as a missionary too Great Britton I desire to say that with the help off Lord I will try to preform said mission, and will report at Historian Office as Per. Instruction Your Bro. in the Gospel A. L. Sargent Wm Sargent

Letter from Henry John, 22 March 1898

West Portage President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, In reply to your letter of the 16th inst. calling me to fill a mission to Great Brit- tain, will say that I will be at the Historian's Office on the ap- pointed day (April 22nd 1898) Your Brother in the Gospel, Henry John West Portage Utah, Bp Enoch Harris

Letter from John Frederick Daynes, 22 March 1898

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, I feel honored to learn that I have been considered worthy to preach the true and everlasting Gospell to the people of the world. With the assistance of the spirit of God I will do the best I can, and will be ready to leave for Great Britian on the appointed time Your Brother in the Gospel J Fred Daynes. George Romney, B[isho]p 20th w[ar]d

Letter from Olof Olsen, 22 March 1898

Millville Presedent Woodruff Dear Brother My feelings are good in regard to my call whear i am suggested as a Missionary to Scandinavia, and i think every latter day saint that is caled on a mission feels the same, i think ther is nothing to hinder me from going eney time next November. Your Brother in the Gospel Olof Olsen. John E. Roueche Bp.

Letter from Hugh Dana, 22 March 1898

Prest. W Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah. My Dear Bro: I received the call that you sent me, to take a mission for the Southern States, and felt that It is my duty to respond ^too^ the call, I will be there on the day that has been appointed, for my departure. Which is the 19th of May, [18]98 Ever praying the blessings of the Lord to be with you. My Your Brother in Colabor, Hugh Dana A. Hunsaker B.P. Alma Ward

Letter from John Thompson West, 22 March 1898

Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother: Yours of the 19th, asking me to be ready to start from Salt Lake immediately after next April conference, is at hand, and will say that this is agreeable with me. I am Your Brother John T. West. Carl J. Cannon Bishop

Letter from Joseph Christopherson, 22 March 1898

Burlington Wyo To Bro Wellford Wooruf Dear Brother I am in Recipt of the call, to fill a Mishion to Scandi- navia, and in Reply can say that I doo not feel qualified to fill such a Responsible caling but with the help of God and the Prayrs of My Brothers and Sisters in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. I will fill this caling to the best of my abilety. I feel well in the Prin^c^ipils of the Gospel. True I am not or have not bin verry enthusiastic in the worke

Letter from Willard Kimball, 22 March 1898

OMAHA, NEB. . Pres. Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir,— About a week ago I addressed a letter to Mr. Evan Stevens who I believe is leader of your Choir, extending to him a cordial in- vitation to bring the Choir to the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition. I have thought that it would be entirely fitting and pro- per for me to address this line to you and to ask for your co-operation in the matter. I believe that nothing could show the development of art in Utah so well as this, and their great reputation would certainly draw many people to hear them. Trusting that I may hear favorably from you, I remain, Yours truly, Willard Kimball


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Mar 22, 1898