Day in the Life

Mar 25, 1898

Journal Entry

March 25, 1898 ~ Friday

Fri Mar 25th My cold is troubling me, did not sleep well, concluded not
to go to the office this morning and sent word to Bro Nuttall to that effect.


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905


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Letter from Ezra Foss Richards, 25 March 1898
[end of sideways text] Te Hauke, March 25th 1898. Prest Wilford Woodruff; Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: We are in receipt of your favors dated Jany 29th and Feb 19th; as also the draft equivalent for $350.00, mentioned in former. It has been applied on indebetedness incurred by fares of returning Elders. There still remains due £16.8.5, drawing in- trest. We are pleased to learn of the new arrangements pertaining to remittances for fares of Elders who will be released from time to time. Trust the agents at wWellington and Auckland will be notified in due time; as it is expected that a company will be released at our april conference, which will convene on the 3rd, to return by first boat there- after. Have similar turns been made for railroad fares? The Maories seem very much elated at the thoughts of Brother Hirini Whaanga coming back again. Extra efforts are being made to get a good turnout of saints and friends at our conference: and we live in great hopes that the new company will arrive in time for it. There will be plenty of openings for the eight new arrivals and still places for more, should they come along from time to time.
Letter from W. H. McBride, 25 April 1898
Brother Wilford Woodruff the first leter I wrote to you to the answer to my call I did not get the Bishop to sine it. But I will have him sine this one. I am willing to go and do all that I can for the building up of the chirch of Jesus christ of latter- days-saints. I will go at the time apointed me to go and will do all I can to help


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Mar 25, 1898