Day in the Life

Mar 24, 1898

Journal Entry

March 24, 1898 ~ Thursday

Thur Mar 24th At the office. We met with Gov[erno]r Hastings & party of Pennyssylvania
for a short time. I also attended my meeting at the Temple at 11.30 a.m.
and was busy at the office during the afternoon, and went
home at 425 p.m having a slight cold.


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Letter from Louisa Robinson Mott Miller, 24 March 1898

Am. Fork. The First Presidency, Salt Lake City. Dear Brothers, Your call is at hand. Was very much pleased with the kind letter and will be only too glad to be set apart before joining my Husband. Will be at the office for that purpose Saturday morning, April 2nd 1898. Heartily Thanking you for being honored with a call as a mission- ary, and for whatever trouble you may have gone too for me I am your Sister. Mrs. John B. Miller

Letter from Don Carlos Stallings, 24 March 1898

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In regard to the mission which i have been called to take in the southern states i will go if there is nothing prevents bettween now and then and I know of nothing at present to stop me Yours Respectfully Don C. Stallings Lewisville Idaho R F. Jardine Bp

Letter from Hyrum David Goodyear, 24 March 1898

President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: I recieved the call notifieing me, that I have been selected with others, to go as a missionary to Great Britian. To leave on May, 7th, 1898. I axccept the call. And will be ready to go on said date. With faith in God, hopeing I can go and fullfill an honorble mission I am, Your Brother in the Gospel Hyrum David Goodyear.

Letter from Frederick Jensen Holst, 24 March 1898

[end of sideways text] Ephraim, Utah. March 24, 1898 President Wilford Woodruff; Dear Brother. I have for some time been worked upon by the spirit of the Lord, to go to my native land, Denmark to get my genealogy. I have written, and sent by missionaries, but in vain. I read ^in^ your sermon in the Deseret News, that we would be under condemnation if we did not do what was in our power for the salvation of our dead. I know it is true, and my duty to do what I can, or I will be held responsible. I have spoken to President Peterson consernng this matter. He is willing, and says it is all right, but ^he^ would like your sanction and consent, if it is according to your will. I feel myself, that with the Lord's heelp and the blessings of my brethren that I will be able to fulfill this mission. I am nowpast seventy years old but have good health

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 24 March 1898

Pres. W. Woodruff and Counselors Salt L. City Utah Dear Brethren: Your favor of the 22nd inst to hand in which you ask two further question relative to the stand I took on the county seat proposition, the first is: When I originally endorsed the movement was I not acquainted with the arguments I now use, and if I was, who did I at first countenance the effort. Replying to this I beg to say that I do not wish to be understood as originally endorsing the move, but after considerable agitation by some of our citizens I did consent and took part in appointing a committee to simply investigate what could be done and whether as it ^was^ contended by some to say as a absolutely done legally, and to report their findings before any definite action should be taken, but that I at first countenanced the action of Illegible misconduct I most emphatically deny. After this committee had made their report I can Illegible that the approval by


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Mar 24, 1898