them untill the kingdom of this world become the kingdom
of our God. We shall fight Battle after Battle untill
the victory is won we have to fight & lay down our
lives for Christ sake we now want to gather companies
to go to the different vallies. I want the potters to rem[ain]
here & work at their Business. Jesus descended Below
all things before He Ascended Above all things. [Doctrine and Covenants 88:6] we have
got to sacrafice ever freely in order to be bexhalted
before God. I once said I will go & build me a House
on the Hill out of the mud. Joseph said you will stay
whare you are this was enough I dodged as quick as I
could I said enough since I have been willing to be
governed by circumstances that have surrounded me
& leave the event in the Hands of God
Judge Snow said I arived in the valley in July last
I expected to sit & Hear & learn I have been a silent
observer of your temporal & spiritual matters. Your
Governor has laid a foundation for you to build upon
I consider it to be the province of this people to determi[ne]
for themselves what they most need. I do not see that
you will break any law of God in doing right & your
own will. I like the remarks made that you be free
& not abject slaves make what you want & be free
buy all you want & be slaves. we say we look to gGod
& do his will. We are a little people upon a little patch
of the Earth but if we all pull together we shall become
the Head. I did not run with the rest because I thought
it right to stay. If I thought it right to run I should
run, but it was right to stay so you must be right
the Lord said you must gain your Bread by the sweat
of the Brow [Genesis 3:19] you must make your own leather or you
cannot get money enogh to buy it with so with
tea coffee & sugar you must raise & make it or go
without it you must make your own Iron or fail
for Iron must be had. leathier & Iron must be maid
& make your own clothing. I like your conferences
& to hear the Best men speak to communicate intel-
ligence to others the church all draws one way & this
puzzles the world they all draw one way & have a
reason for it this I glory in. I would not obey
if their was not a reason for it. I would leave
Z Snow would not draw with you if He could not
give a reason for it. I came here to deal out Justice
to all Jew & Gentile alike. I came not to watch for
iniquity but to punish iniquity when it does appear
I have had 200 cases in a year with the same No
as you are. I hope you will not have a case you will
never be destroyed unless you destroy yourselfves
if you do not war with yourselves I hope others will
not war with you
B Young said at our conference we appointed Felt
& Banks to be travelling Bishops to visit other Bishops
to call them to an account & see that they are
them untill the kingdom of this world become the kingdom
of our God we shall fight battle after battle untill
the victory is won we have to fight & lay down our
lives for Christ sake we now want to gather companies
to go to the different vallies. I want the potters to remain
here & work at their business. Jesus descended below
all things before He ascended above all things we have
got to sacrafice ever freely in order to be exhalted
before God. I once said I will go & build me a house
on the hill out of the mud. Joseph said you will stay
whare you are this was enough I dodged as quick as I
could I said enough since I have been willing to be
Governed by circumstances that have surrounded me
& leave the event in the Hands of God
Judge Snow said I arived in the valley in July last
I expected to sit & hear & learn I have been a silent
observer of your temporal & spiritual matters. Your
Governor has laid a foundation for you to build upon
I consider it to be the province of this people to determine
for themselves what they most need I do not see that
you will break any law of God in doing right & your
own will I like the remarks made that you be free
& not abject slaves make what you want & be free
buy all you want & be slaves. we say we look toGod
& do his will. We are a little people upon a little patch
of the Earth but if we all pull together we shall become
the Head. I did not run with the rest because I thought
it right to stay. If I thought it right to run I should
run, but it was right to stay so you must be right
the Lord said you must gain your bread by the sweat
of the brow you must make your own leather or you
cannot get money enogh to buy it with so with
tea coffee & sugar you must raise & make it or go
without it you must make your own Iron or fail
for Iron must be had. leathier & Iron must be maid
& make your own clothing. I like your conferences
& to hear the best men speak to communicate intelligence to others the church all draws one way & this
puzzles the world they all draw one way & have a
reason for it this I glory in I would not obey
if their was not a reason for it I would leave
Z Snow would not draw with you if he could not
give a reason for it. I came here to deal out Justice
to all Jew & Gentile alike I came not to watch for
iniquity but to punish iniquity when it does appear
I have had 200 cases in a year with the same No
as you are I hope you will not have a case you will
never be destroyed unless you destroy yourselves
if you do not war with yourselves I hope others will
not war with you
B Young said at our conference we appointed Felt
& Banks to be travelling Bishops to visit other Bishops
to call them to an account & see that they are
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," October 6, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025,