Faithful Bishops & you should feed the poor & do your
duty untill the spirit of God rest upon you & you hold
the keys of the Melchezedek priesthood of the Eternal God
& the power of it rest upon you forever
Brother Banks & Felt were ordained under the Hands
of the Presidency.
Afternoon Prayer By A Cordon. H. C. Kimball
says A Cordon is nominated to be a travelling [Bishop] carried
unanimously. He was ordained under the Hands of H C K John & G A Smith Heber C Kimball sealed upon
his head all the keys of the priesthood said the power
of God should rest upon his head to preside over
other Bishops. Another thing is necessiary which will
effect the whole world that is a reffermation chose
men who are filled with the Holy Ghost to go forth as
missionaries to stir up the feelings of the Saints in
all these vallies of the Mountains. I thank God
that we are free. Joseph YoungD Fulmer & Z Pulsipher was Appointed as missionaries
G A Smith Arose & said I feel perfectly at
home here. I want to speak concerning Iron Co I
had but 20 or 30 with me there. President Young wants John D Lee to get a company to go over the rim
of the Basin & form a settlement in a good place
for wine fruit & corn I asked some of Amasas
company what they were going to do they said they
were going to plant a vineyard if they had done
it there wthey would have done good you should
go to Iron Co settle your families then go down
in the winter & build a fort the Indians there
are well supplyed with Arrows on foot No arrows
or guns it is poorer than Iron Co it Borders upon
the Great sahara desert. I felt that we are
free when I heard that Iron & coal was found in
abundance within 15 miles of each other in Iron Co. we
have not the Great Blast Furnises that are in the
world but must begin with the Native Element. He
also made other remarks
B Young made remarks conc[erni]ng the education of our children
wished parents to pay particular attention to teaching their children
After which the conference closed it was one of the most
interesting conferences ever held by this people.
~ Thursday
Nov [October] 9th Sunday O Pratt Addressed the Assembly &
said He did not believe any man capable or qualifyed to
speak acceptable to God no matter what his Abilities
were unless he had the spirit of the Holy Ghost He would
not take any office on Earth if the office of the president
of the United States was offered Him He would disdain it
as far as the honor of it was concerned. He would rather
have the office of a teacher in this church as it would last
Faithful Bishops & you should feed the poor & do your
duty untill the spirit of God rest upon you & you hold
the keys of the Melechezedek priesthood of the Eternal God
& the power of it rest upon you forever
Brother Banks & Felt were Ordained under the hands
of the Presidency.
Afternoon prayer by A Cordon. H. C. Kimball
says A Cordon is nominated to be a travelling Bishop carried
unanimously He was ordained under the hands of HCK
John & G A Smith Heber C Kimball sealed upon
his head all the keys of the priesthood said the power
of God should rest upon his head to preside over
other Bishops. Another thing is necessary which will
effect the whole world that is a reffermation chose
men who are filled with the Holy Ghost to go forth as
missionaries to stir up the feelings of the Saints in
all these vallies of the Mountains I thank God
that we are free Joseph YoungD Fulmer &
Z Pulsipher was appointed as missionaries
G A Smith arose & said I feel perfectly at
home here I want to speak concerning Iron Co I
had but 20 or 30 with me there President Young wants
John D Lee to get a company to go over the rim
of the Basin & form a settlement in a good place
for wine fruit & corn I asked some of Amasas
company what they were going to do they said they
were going to plant a vineyard if they had done
it there they would have done good you should
go to Iron Co settle your families then go down
in the winter & build a fort the Indians there
are well supplyed with arrows on foot No arrows
or guns it is poorer than Iron Co it borders upon
the Great sahara desert I felt that we are
free when I heard that Iron & coal was found in
abundance within 15 miles of each other in Iron Co. we
have not the Great Blast Furnises that are in the
world but must begin with the Native Element. He
also made other remarks
B Young made remarks concerning the education of our children
wished parents to pay particular attention to teaching their children
after which the conference closed it was one of the most
interesting conferences ever held by this people.
~ Thursday
Nov October 9th Sunday O Pratt addressed the assembly &
said he did not believe any man capable or qualifyed to
speak acceptable to God no matter what his abilities
were unless he had the spirit of the Holy Ghost He would
not take any office on Earth if the office of the president
of the United States was offered him he would disdain it
as far as the honor of it was concerned He would rather
have the office of a teacher in this church as it would last
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," October 6, 1851 - October 9, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025,