I am prepared for Mormonism there was no Better man
than Joseph Smith ever lived on the Earth. Hear it O ye Heavens
O ye Earth And all men this is my testimony that He is theas good a
man as ever lived save Jesus. The world will not vote for
a man because his religion governs they will not have God govern
them because of their cursed meanness But if God did not
or can not dealed out Justice & rule in righteousness who can
E T Benson spoke to edifycation said some bore record of the things
of God as they were revealed to them others believe on their testimony
the servants of God Bind & seal on Earth & it is Bound & sealed
in Heaven. I bear testimony that we have a prophet that will hold
the keys of the kingdom of God through All Eternity Also a Patriarch both have sealed their testimony with their Blood
for the cause & kingdom of God. Mormonism is true & the keys of
the kingdom of God are with you the presidency of the Church who
now live with us And are righteous men the Twelve, High priest,
High Council, Seventies & Elders of Israel are righteous men
Joseph said we went into the little end of the Horn & came out
of the big End of the Horn. Any thing is ours if we are faithful &
do the will of the Lord.
O Hyde took the floor And said this is one of the Happiest
periods of my life. The testimony of all is good if the Brethren
who have spoken have broaken a clean loaf still I may gather
few crumbs we are living in the most important age And
when the Greatest events are to take place evry thing is on the
move the testimony of this work will go through the Earth And
the Lord will arise out of His Hiding place And reign King
of Nations As He does now king of Saints, this would destroy
all the Governments of the Earth. Do the Latter day Saints
wish the Nations of the Earth any Evil No we would save
them all if we could. But it was a mercy Anciently to cut
off the wicked from the Earth that their posterity should not
inherit the Earth to follow the wickedness of their Fathers Gog & Magog will ere long gather to fight against the Saints of the
Lamb of God and when hope is almost fled Christ will come
and End the scenery. [Revelation 20:7-9] If a prophet has been schooled in the
society of the Gods to come to the Earth as A prophet to do a
work for the kingdom He has the power of God with him
to Help him do it the same as we ordain a man to build
up A county whare we cannot go so when A prophet
comes He comes Holding the keys of the kingdom of
God & binds & seals on Earth that which is bound & sealed
in Heaven [Matthew 18:18]
G A Smith Arose And said if I did not know the truth
I should not have taken the pains I Have to preach it to the world
and Act the part I have in it But I know that God has sent a
Prophet to us And ordained a Priesthood & set up his kingdom
on Earth And A religion that is not evry thing is nothing
Jesus broke bread & said Eat in rememberance of me [Luke 22:19] And
this do untill I come And always remember me. when Joseph was
murdered the piety of the people did not oppose His murder
when they arise will it be with white robes No but with garments
spotted with Blood of the prophets. None on the Earth Had sympa
thy but the Saints. I have been spending a time to build up a
I am prepared for Mormonism there was no better man
than Joseph Smith ever lived on the Earth. Hear it O ye Heavens
O ye Earth and all men this is my testimony that he isas good a
man as ever lived save Jesus. The world will not vote for
a man because his religion governs they will not have God govern
them because of their cursed meanness but if God did not
or can not dealout Justice & rule in righteousness who can
E T Benson spoke to edifycation said some bore record of the things
of God as they were revealed to them others believe on their testimony
the servants of God bind & seal on Earth & it is bound & sealed
in Heaven I bear testimony that we have a prophet that will hold
the keys of the kingdom of God through all Eternity also a
Patriarch both have sealed their testimony with their blood
for the cause & kingdom of God Mormonism is true & the keys of
the kingdom of God are with you the presidency of the church who
now live with us and are righteous men the Twelve, High priest,
High Council, Seventies & Elders of Israel are righteous men
Joseph said we went into the little End of the Horn & came out
of the big End of the Horn. Any thing is ours if we are faithful &
do the will of the Lord.
O Hyde took the floor and said this is one of the happiest
periods of my life. The testimony of all is good if the Brethren
who have spoken have broaken a clean loaf still I may gather
few crumbs we are living in the most important age and
when the Greatest events are to take place evry thing is on the
move the testimony of this work will go through the Earth and
the Lord will arise out of His hiding place and reign King
of Nations as He does now king of Saints, this would destroy
all the Governments of the Earth. Do the Latter day Saints
wish the Nations of the Earth any Evil No we would save
them all if we could. But it was a mercy anciently to cut
off the wicked from the Earth that their posterity should not
inherit the Earth to follow the wickedness of their fathers
Gog & Magog will ere long gather to fight against the Saints of the
Lamb of God and when hope is almost fled Christ will come
and End the scenery. If a prophet has been schooled in the
society of the Gods to come to the Earth as a prophet to do a
work for the kingdom he has the power of God with him
to help him do it the same as we ordain a man to build
up a county whare we cannot go so when a prophet
comes he comes holding the keys of the kingdom of
God & binds & seals on Earth that which is bound & sealed
in Heaven
G A Smith arose and said if I did not know the truth
I should not have taken the pains I have to preach it to the world
and act the part I have in it but I know that God has sent a
Prophet to us and ordained a Priesthood & set up his kingdom
on Earth and a religion that is not evry thing is nothing
Jesus broke bread & said Eat in rememberance of me and
this do untill I come and always remember me when Joseph was
murdered the piety of the people did not oppose his murder
when they arise will it be with white robes No but with garments
spotted with blood of the prophets. None on the Earth had sympa
thy but the Saints. I have been spending a time to build up a
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," September 7, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025, https://arts.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/mZn3