President Young Arose And said as far as you can exercise patience
you should do so, we are oin comfortable circumstances & now let
us sit here & worship gGod & let our business rest & let us reflect
a little & exercise ourselves in our religion let our Houses rest &
farms & crops let the people be still & not talk in the House or about the
window. In my meditations I am like other men who reflect
And I marvel to see men so intent upon objects that
will so soon perish. How many their are here who ask the
question how long will this qConference last I want to go I cannot
stop. And others will be willing to stop & worship God some
spirits are like the troubled sea uneasy. If I could have my
wish about it I would wish such spirits to pass out of our
midst leave the congregation & let us worship in peace. We
are such an industrious people that we could not commence
conference untill Sunday. I care as little about our gardens
farms lumber &c as you do about snuffing Ashes. If you get
all the riches of the world you cannot Hold them. If you will
get the wisdom it is your privilege to possess you will know
that God cares more for you than the ravens [Luke 12:24] if you seek
the Kingdom of God & its righteousness the Lord will add
all things els that is necessary. [Matthew 6:33] Our first duty is to
provide for our families but we must take a course to accom
plish it. Fools are often rich & the wise in Begery this is the
providence of God we may be ever so rich to day we may
be beggars to morrow thise is the case with those who are Before
me let me draw the line between the Good & Evil. Have you not had
more good than Evil more than you would had if you had been in
the world more peace than in the world & happiness than in the meditation
of the things of God than in the world yes you have then shame on
the man who complains of his Hardship the worst persecutions of this
people are their best days. I went to Mo in 1834 walked 2000 miles in
70 days was so weak I could not step over the fence 3 feet High. I now
Have better Health & strength than ever before I would not give all Geauga County for the experience I have had in 6 months. Now stay
Here dont go home untill conference Ends. Many of the Saints forget
mormonism. Any body who Enjoy the light of the revelations of
Jesus Christ must have the spirit of God the key to mormonism
is all the truths their is All Eternity that was ever revealed or
ever will be that exhists with God Angels or men. whare shall I
go to Find truth. in Mormonism. If you get a truth any whare it
is there as that covers all truth when the light came to me
sin did not revive in me And I died but I revived & lived I
Had not consented to the death of Any good man like Stephen
as Paul did. [Acts 7:59, Acts 8:1] But let him come to Any of the churches reared
in honour to his name & the world would kill him if they could
I will ask you are you excepted [accepted] of the Father & Son you will
say I dont know, well it is because your minds are taken up with
the things of the world then let us stay here untill we do know
I Am A Mormon or what is called so And I know that Joseph
was A prophet. It was revealed to me long before his death
I always thought while reading the Bible About a prophet that I
would go around the world to see one or any man who knew things
as they were & not have to guess at them. Evry thing will have
to Bow to Mormonism or eternal light & truth we have the true
government of all the Earth I know the path this people has to walk
President Young arose and said as far as you can exercise patience
you should do so, we arein comfortable circumstances & now let
us sit here & worship God & let our business rest & let us reflet
a little & exercise ourselves in our religion let our houses rest &
farms & crops let the people be still & not talk in the house or about the
window. In my meditations I am like other men who reflet
and I marvel to see men so intent upon objects that
will so soon perish. How many their are here who ask the
question how long will this Conference last I want to go I cannot
stop and others will be willing to stop & worship God some
spirits are like the troubled sea uneasy. If I could have my
wish about it I would wish such spirits to pass out of our
midst leave the congregation & let us worship in peace. We
are such an industrious people that we could not commence
conference untill Sunday. I care as little about our gardens
farms lumber &c as you do about snuffing ashes. If you get
all the riches of the world you cannot Hold them. If you will
get the wisdom it is your privilege to possess you will know
that God cares more for you than the ravens if you seek
the Kingdom of God & its righteousness the Lord will add
all things els that is necessary. Our first duty is to
provide for our families but we must take a course to accom
plish it. Fools are often rich & the wise in begery this is the
providence of God we may be ever so rich to day we may
be beggars to morrow thise is the case with those who are before
me let me draw the line between the Good & Evil Have you not had
more good than Evil more than you would had if you had been in
the world more peace than in the world & happiness in the meditation
of the things of God than in the world yes you have then shame on
the man who complains of his hardship the worst persecutions of the
people are their best days. I went to Mo in 1834 walked 2000 miles in
70 days was so weak I could not step over the fence 3 feet high. I now
have better health & strength than ever before I would give all
Geauga County for the experience I have had in 6 months. Now stay
here dont go home untill conference Ends. Many of the Saints forget
mormonism any body who Enjoy the light of the revelations of
Jesus Christ must have the spirit of God the [FIGURE] key to mormonism
is all the truths their is all Eternity that was ever revealed or
ever will be that exhists with God Angels or men. whare shall I
go to Find truth in Mormonism. If you get a truth any whare it
is there as that covers all truth when the light came to me
sin did not revive in me and I died but I revived & lived I
had not consented to the death of any good man like Stephen
as Paul did. But let him come to any of the Churches reared
in honour to his name & the world would kill him if they could
I will ask you are you excepted accepted of the Father & Son you will
say I dont know, well it is because your minds are taken up with
the things of the world then let us stay here untill we do know
I am a Mormon or what is called so and I know that Joseph
was a prophet. It was revealed to me long before his death
I always thought while reading the Bible about a prophet that I
would go around the world to see one or any man who knew things
as they were & not have to guess at them. Evry thing will have
to bow to Mormonism or Eternal light & truth we have the true
government of all the Earth I know the path this people has to walk
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," September 7, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025,