forever while the office of president of the U. S would not
last but 4 or 8 years I should be glad to live to see the
day when their should not be a kingdom or govern[men]t
on Earth ownly that ordained of God to govern the
world I do not know as I shall live to see it But I have
much desired it for A man to desire to live merely to
get honor to himself would not be right But for him
to desire to live to honor God & build up his kingdom would
be a good desire. If I knew I could be translated to all
the glory of the CelestialKingdom in an instant I would
rather live & suffer with my Brethren through all their
troubles untill the coming of Christ I am sorry to see
the old vetrans who have helped to lay the foundation of
this church lay their bodies in the grave. I believe
many will live those who have had it promised unto them
if they remain faithful untill the coming of Christ & help
build up the kingdom this has been promised to me By
the patriarch & prophet while reciving my Endowment
the hearts of men were inspired to give us these blessings
while their hands were upon our heads. this always stim-
ulates us to hold on by faith when death is around us &
slayes thousands upon our right & left hand it is an easy matter
for God to strengthen a man in his Tabernacle in the midst of
Death & plagues all around him. He did the Ancients who lived
to a great Age their Eyes were not dim their ears were quick
to hear But we all have weaknesses & much to contend with
this is that we may increase & arive at Great Glory by
getting the mastery over the devil & much evil if we were
not tempted & tryed & overcome we should not get the
glory that we otherwise shall. How could God trust a man
who would be overcome by temptation it would take him
a long time to get confidence in him again. Jesus was
a fair sample subject as He was to temptation in all things
He overcame so can we & follow in the steps of our Elder
Brother Better to do this than to enjoy the plesasure of sin for
a season then die as the fool dieth if a man had power given
him & had not discretion given him to use it he would ruin
himself this is the reason why this people 20 years old
has not power greater power they have not wisdom to use it
we have the gifts of the Gospel to Heal the sick to speak
with New tongues, to cause the Blind to see lame to walk
deaf to hear, & cast out devels & with these gifts some
have been so lifted up taken honor & glory unto themselves
they have fallen. I thank God for sparing his gifts any
further than they prove Beneficial to us if God gave us all
things at once it would kill us but if we were proven in all
things then we could endure all things (things are freq-
uently given of the Lord that men cannot all endure they
are more than they have wisdom to manage. when this is
the case they cannot Advance untill they master what has
been given let this be remembered & not ask for more after
what we can manage for if we ask the Lord for a revelati-
on & He gives us a New comm[an]dment we are under the greater respon
sibility for we have to keep all the commandments of God
forever while the office of president of the U.S would not
last but 4 or 8 years I should be glad to live to see the
day when their should not be a Kingdom or government
on Earth ownly that ordained of God to govern the
world I do not know as I shall live to see it but I have
much desired it for a man to desire to live merely to
get honor to himself would not be right but for him
to desire to live to honor God & build up his kingdom would
be a good desire. If I knew I could be translated to all
the glory of the CelestialKingdomin aninstant I would
rather live & suffer with my Brethren through all their
troubles untill the coming of Christ I am sorry to see
the old vetrans who have helped to lay the foundation of
this church lay their bodies in the Grave I believe
many will live those who have had it promised unto them
if they remain faithful untill the coming of Christ & help
build up the kingdom this has been promised to me by
the patriarch & prophet while receiving my Endowment
the hearts of men were inspired to give us these blessings
while their hands were upon our heads. this always stimulates us to hold on by faith when death is around us &
slayes thousands upon our right & left hand it is an easy matter
for God to strengthen a man in his Tabernacle in the midst of
Death & plagues all around him He did the Ancients who lived
to a great Age their Eyes were not dim their Ears were quick
to hear but we all have weaknesses & much to contend with
this is that we may increase & arive at Great Glory by
getting the mastery over the devil & much evil if we were
not tempted & tryed & overcome we should not get the
glory that we otherwise shall. How could God trust a man
who would be overcome by temptation it would take him
a long time to get confidence in him again Jesus was
a fair sample subject as He was to temptation in all things
He overcame so can we & follow in the steps of our Elder
Brother Better to do this than to Enjoy the pleasure of sin for
a season then die as the fool dieth if a man had power given
him & had not discretion given him to use it he would ruin
himself this is the reason why this people 20 years old
has not greater power they have not wisdom to use it
we have the gifts of the Gospel to heal the sick to speak
with New tongues, to cause the blind to see lame to walk
deaf to hear, & cast out devels & with these gifts some
have been so lifted up taken honor & glory unto themselves
they have fallen. I thank God for sparing his gifts any
further than they prove beneficial to us if God gave us all
things at once it would kill us but if we were proven in all
things then we could endure all things (things are frequently given of the Lord that men cannot all endure they
are more than they have wisdom to manage when this is
the case they cannot advance untill they master what has
been given let this be remembered & not ask for more after
what we can manage for if we ask the Lord for a Revelation & He gives us a New commandment we are under the greater responsibility for we have to keep all the commandments of God
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," October 9, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025,