we shall have a celestial paradice & our spirits return
& hunt up our bodies & enter it again with a fulness of
celestial spirit. How will the Resurrection be brought
to pass & when will be the different times of the resurrection
the good ^{and bad}^ will arise before those who die after the Resurrection
of Christ the good did arise at the Resurrection of Christ
we find mummies in the chaatacombs of Egypt who died
long before christ arose who remain yet some saints in Asia & America did arise & appear unto many. I do not
beliveeve the resurrection will take place by being born again
as the doctrin of some is. I would not believe it for the world
unless President Young was to say the Lord had revealed
it to him. I Believe the Saints will arise out of their
graves as Ezekiel said they would. [Ezekiel 37:12] The Resurrection
will take place Before the son of Man comes as the scriptures
declair. Before He comes their shall be a great sign appear
in Heaven all the Nations of the Earth shall see it together
An Angel shall sound his trump that all Nations will
Hear it saying that Babylon will be burned then after
half an hour of silence the veil of the covering will be
taken off the face of Heaven will be revealed & the
face of the Lord will be unveiled and the graves of the
Saints will be open & the Saints on the Earth will be caught
up to meet the Lord this is the first Resurrection the
Zion of Enoch will also Appear & dwell on the Earth [Moses 7:62-63]
the Saints will then receive their Everlasting inher
itances. Joseph got a promise from the Lord that
He should have a right to an inheritance in the Nauvoo
House forever. if the Saints do not get their possess[ions]
by covenant as Abram did Canaan or Joseph Nauvoo their will be Judges Appointed to give evry
man his inheritances for an Everlasting inheritance
then comes the time when Joseph and all will receive
their keys & turn them to the saints in this dispensation
& reveal the mysteries of Eternity to the Saints who
have their celetstial Bodies they will be qualifyed
to receive a fulness of celestial glory & spirit & will
receive all they can Endure but they will grow to
all Eternity in knowledge & power will the Saints be
confined to this Earth? No they will be caught up
& not die & lie in the dust. Jesus will have a Throne
in Jerrusalem & the Saints will have thrones on the
Earth but they will go to other worlds or in the Heavens
& all will be free. Adam will give instructions concer[ning]
the garden of Eden we will go on foreign missions
to visit other worlds we shall also remember our works
in this life & inasmuch as they have been good it will
be a consolation to reflect upon them
I Baptized Sister Foss & family & my own family & confirmed
them 9 in all.
we shall have a celestial paradice & our spirits return
& hunt up our bodies & enter it again with a fulness of
celestial spirit. How will the Resurrection be brought
to pass & when will be the different times of the resurrection
the good {and bad} will arise before those who die after the Resurrection
of Christ the good did arise at the Resurrection of Christ
we find mummies in the catacombs of Egypt who died
long before christ arose who remain yet some saints in
Asia & America did arise & appear unto many. I do not
believe the resurrection will take place by being born again
as the doctrin of some is I would not believe it for the world
unless President Young was to say the Lord had revealed
it to him I believe the Saints will arise out of their
graves Ezekiel 34:12 as Ezekiel said they would. The Resurrection
will take place before the son of Man comes as the scriptures
declair. Before He comes their shall be a great sign appear
in Heaven all the Nations of the Earth shall see it together
An Angel shall sound his trump that all Nations will
hear it saying that Babylon will be burned then after
half an hour of silence the veil of the covering will be
taken off the face of Heaven will be revealed & the
face of the Lord will be unveiled and the graves of the
Saints will be open & the Saints on the Earth will be caught
up to meet the Lord this is the first Resurrection the
Zion of Enoch will also appear & dwell on the Earth
the Saints will then receive their Everlasting inher
itances Joseph got a promise from the Lord that
he should have a right to an inheritance in the Nauvoo
House forever. if the Saints do not get their possessions
by covenant as Abram did Canaan or JosephNauvoo their will be Judges appointed to give evry
man his inheritances for an Everlasting inheritance
then comes the time when Joseph and all will receive
their keys & turn them to the saints in this dispensation
& reveal the mysteries of Eternity to the Saints who
have their celestial bodies they will be qualifyed
to receive a fulness of celestial glory & spirit & will
receive all they can Endure but they will grow to
all Eternity in knowledge & power will the Saints be
confined to this Earth No they will be caught up
& not die & lie in the dust Jesus will have a Throne
in Jerrusalem & the Saints will have thrones on the
Earth but they will go to other worlds or in the Heavens
& all will be free Adam will give instructions concerning
the garden of Eden we will go on foreign missions
to visit other worlds we shall also remember our works
in this life & inasmuch as they have been good it will
be a consolation to reflect upon them
I Baptized Sister Foss & family & my own family & confirmed
them 9 in all.
Rhoda Foss was Married on the eve of Nov 30th 1851
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," October 19, 1851 - November 30, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://arts.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/G6E5