President Young arose & said I wish to impart intelli-
gence to the people my first proposition is the science of
Medicine. The study & practice of medicine as a science if it
may be called a science is the most imperfect of any science
in existance as is practiced By the doctors of the present day
The doctors & priests of the day send more to death & Hell then
any whare els. about one in a million may get some glory
A Bigger set of cursed scoundrels never graced the Earth than
that class. surgery is a different class & is vary necessary in
many instances & that system can be learned. But to learn the
system of man they cannot No more learn that than they
can learn the Heavens. A worst set of Ignoramuses do not
walk the Earth. they do not know how to turn {the [illegible shorthand]} wind in a mans
Body when it gets cross ways. If you cut their infernal throats
the people will live. I know what this society is here for it is to impart
what knowledge they have to others. But I have seen the folly of the
doctors even at my own doors. take them as a whole they are
the most damnable set on the Earth their practices are infamous
& their medicines produce death; If the people want to Eat
calomel let them do it & be damned but dont feed it to
any of my family if any doctor does & I know it I would
kill him as quick as I would for feeding Arsnic. I do not
employ such doctors to visit me. I dont Employ any doctor
to visit me. The practice of Doctors in visiting women in child
birth is damnable woman should be let alone & let Nature
have its part at work let a woman keep her child if she can
2 or 3 years but she cannot do it when the time has come Nat-
ure will deliver her of her child without a Doctor dont
fret let evry thing take its proper course & sickness would
depart away. The Doctors in New Haven Ct by mutual
agreement to see how far they could frighten a man did
actually frighten him to death A robust Harty man. many
things should be said to this people. their has not been a
Doctor Baptized into this church that has the Holy Ghost
but what will acknowledge they are a fool. their is not a
Physician in the church or in the world that is taught
from on high By revelation but what will acknowledge
this to be true doctrin if their is a doctor who can see &
know a man from Head to foot & know how to cure dhis
deseases by revelation such are the ownly true & safe
Doctors on Earth all others are fools. I see men die
in the Hands of the doctors. the medicines kill them. why
dont they tell what ales the patient or Acknowledges
they dont know.
The foolery their is among this class
is disgraceful & makes me mad & the day will come when you
will not wonder at my feelings you are natural persons
& God has made you natural if you are with child that child
will come forth by nature without a Dr the Earth is Just
so will bring forth of itself seed after its kind. If a person is
sick & have not faith to be healed give them herbs the product
of the Earth & it will cure you until it is time to die
President Young arose & said I wish to impart intelligence to the people my first proposition is the science of
medicine. The study & practice of medicine as a science if it
may be called a science is the most imperfect of any science
in existance as is practiced by the doctors of the present day
The doctors & priests of the day send more to death & Hell then
any whare els. about one in a million may get some glory
A bigger set of cursed scoundrels never graced the Earth than
that class. surgery is a different class & is vary necessary in
many instances & that system can be learned. But to learn the
system of man they cannot no more learn that than they
can learn the Heavens. A worst set of Ignoramuses do not
walk the Earth. they do not know how to turn {the illegible} wind in a mans
body when it gets cross ways. If you cut their infernal throats
the people will live I know what this society is here for it is to impart
what knowledge they have to others. But I have seen the folly of the
doctors even at my own doors. take them as a whole they are
the most damnable set on the Earth their practices are infamous
& their medicines produce death; If the people want to Eat
Calomel let them do it & be damned but dont feed it to
any of my family if any doctor does & I know it I would
kill him as quick as I would for feeding Arsnic. I do not
employ such doctors to visit me. I dont Employ any doctor
to visit me. The practice of Doctors in visiting women in child
birth is damnable woman should be let alone & let Nature
have its part at work let a woman keep her child if she can
2 or 3 years but she cannot do it when the time has come Nature will deliver her of her child without a Doctor dont
fret let evry thing take its proper course & sickness would
depart away. The Doctors in New Haven Ct by mutual
agreement to see how far they could frighten a man did
actually frighten him to death a robust harty man. many
things should be said to this people. their has not been a
Doctor baptized into this church that has the Holy Ghost
but what will acknowledge they are a fool. their is not a
Physician in the church or in the world that is taught
from on high by revelation but what will acknowledge
this to be true doctrin if their is a doctor who can see &
know a man from head to foot & know how to cure his
deseases by revelation such are the ownly true & safe
Doctors on Earth all others are fools I see men die
in the hands of the doctors. the medicines kill them. why
dont they tell what ales the patient or acknowledges
they dont know.
The foolery their is among this class
is disgraceful & makes me mad & the day will come when you
will not wonder at my feelings you are natural persons
& God has made you natural if you are with child that child
will come forth by nature without a Dr the Earth is just
so will bring forth of itself seed after its kind. If a person is
sick & have not faith to be healed give them herbs the product
of the Earth & it will cure you until it is time to die
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," December 1, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025,