July 1st 1844
State Convention of Jeffersonian Democracy
General Joseph Smith nominated for President
Sidney Rigdon for Vice President.
The convention met at 10 oclok A.M. in the Melodian
and was organized as follows
Hon B. Young of Nauvoo President
Hon. Wm Smith & Gen. Lyman Wight
Vice Presidents
Hon Wilford Woodruff, Professor Orson Pratt
of Illinois, Annianias McAllister Esqr of Boston,
And D^N^ H. Felt Esqr of Salem Secretaries.
The convention was addressed with much animation
and zeal attended with sound argument during the
day and evening By the President, Gen. L. Wight, Hon.
O. Hyde, D. Spencer, Hon Wm Smith, Prof. O. Pratt,
All of Illinois And George B. Wallace Esq of Boston.
A Preamble and many important resolutions
were adopted all of which together with the
procedings of the meeting were published in
the Boston Daily Times of July 2nd 1844.
The Melodeon was crouded in the evening and it was
soon evident that a large number of rowdies were in
the galleries & felt disposed to make disturbance, and
among others Abby Folsom made her appearance, &
arose & commence speaking while the president
was addresising the meeting. Soon a young man in
the gallery rose and commenced a series of rowdy
remarks & was encouraged by some mob companions
untill confusion became general in the gallery, untill
the policee came in to take him out. they were assaulted
and beaten badly by a set of young desperadoes. After
much hard fighting however they succeded in clearing
the gallery. one person got badly cut in the face but
not dangerous. the meeting was soon broaken up. this
is a disgrace to Boston & shows the spirit of the times
Gen Lyman Wight said he had seen Eastern missio-
naries among the Indians trying to civelize them but
he thought they had better commence at home first
He thought it best to send some sax & fox indians to
Boston to civelize the city. But notwithstanding
the meeting was closed by a mob yet much good
was done. the citizens could see their was sufficient
reasons to awaken the minds of the people upon the
affairs of our goverment, in order to save them from
ruin. The convention was adjourned untill tomorrow
at Bunker Hill at 4 oclok.
^H. C. kimball & G B Wallace was
Appointed Delegates to the Baltimore
National Convention^
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