Day in the Life

Mar 23, 1898

Journal Entry

March 23, 1898 ~ Wednesday

Wed Mar 23. I did not have a very good night but feeling fairly well this morning
Went to the office. I answerd the letter from M[adam] Mountford. very busy this afternoon
left for home at 4 pm.


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Letter from Benjamin Farland Johnson Jr., 23 March 1898

Tempe Pres Wilford Woodruf, Dear Bro: Having received a call to fullfil a mission in the Southern States I will say that with the help of God I will go and do all I can to gather out the honest in heart. I remain as ever your humble Bro in the Gospel. B. Far. Johnson Jr. P.S. your letter was miss sent so I did not get it as soon as I should. B Far Johnson Jr.

Letter from Charles Warren Peterson, 23 March 1898

Mesa President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of the 8th inst (informing me that my name had been suggested and accepted to fill a mission to the Southern States leaving S. L. City June 16th 1898) has been received and in reply would say I feel to respond to the call. But if agreeable I would prefer to go with the company that leave in May Your Brother in the Gospel C. Warren Peterson James M. Horne Bishop

Letter from Oliver Dewey Wood, 23 March 1898

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother I Excetpt the call to the southern states and will Bea there on the day mentioned From your Brother in the gospel Duey Wood James H Hiss Bishop.

Letter from the LDS College Board of Trustees, 23 March 1898

To the President and Members of the Board of Education of the Salt Lake Stake of Zion. Dear Brethren: We have encountered a situation in connection with the Latter-day Saints' College, which must necessarily be submitted to your consideration. In order to simplify the statement of it, we here introduce an exhibit of an action of this Board, which is largely self-explanatory, as follows, viz: "Since the removal of the business department of the Latter- day Saints' College from the old Ellerbeck building to its new quarters in the Templeton Block, a difference has arisen between Brother Done, President of the Institution, and Brother Nelson, who has charge of the business department. The following will show the points of difference: Previous to the before mentioned change of location— (1) The morning devotional exercises were held by the College, as a while, in the premises of the Institution proper. (2) The Book of Mormon Class was conducted in the same place immed- iately after devotions (same time as the algrebra class). (3) The general theology exercises on Friday afternoons were also conducted in concert, in the same place. (4) The Department in charge of Bro. Nelson had hitherto been known as the business department of the L.D.S. College. By insistence of Bro. Nelson, and contrary to the wishes of Brother Done, the following changes have been made: (1) Morning devotional exercises are conducted separately by the Business Department. (2) The Book of Mormon Class is conducted in the premises of the Business Department. (3) The General Theology exercises (Friday afternoons) are con- ducted separately by the Business Department, at its new quarters. (4) Brother Nelson now advertises his department, as "The Latter- day Saints' Business College." At the instance of Brother Done the matter was referred to the Board of Trustees, before whom he and Brother Nelson appeared and each explained his views and wishes on the subject. After due consideration the Board came to the conclusion that it could not consistently do otherwise than sustain the proposition taken by Brother Done. Besides the fact of his being President of the College, which is, in all of its departments, subject to his

Letter from Lars Nelson, 23 March 1898

Burlington to Brother Willford Woodriff Dear Brother I am In Recipt of the call to fill a mission to the Northen states and in reply will say that I do not feel quaflified to fill such a Responsible calling but with the help of God and the Prayrs of my Brothers and Sisters in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints I will fill this calling to the Best of my Abileby I feel well in the Principles of the gospel and feel like

Letter from Ambrose Hibbert, 23 March 1898

Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. I am in receipt of your Favour of Mar the 8th with a call to Fill a mission to the Northern States which Call i gladly axcept and Feel to thank my Heavenly Father that i am accounted Worthy of Such a calling and by his help and the Prayers of my Bros and Sisters i will Fill the mission to the Best of my ability Your Bro in the Gospel Ambrose Hibbert Wm H Packard Bishop


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Mar 23, 1898