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Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Collection Name | Wilford Woodruff collection, 1830-1898 |
Collection Description | Wilford Woodruff autobiography (volume 1), circa 1842-1865 |
Collection Number | MS 5506 |
Collection Page | 1-451 |
Source Link | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Introduction | Wilford Woodruff's Boston Conference discourse, Boston, Massachusetts, from Church Historian's Office copy of Jonathan Grimshaw's notes. |
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Variant &and divers are the lives & fortunes of men in evry age of the world, while the path of some are strewed with flowers & ease from the cradle to the grave, with naught to disturd their peace, others Apparrently are marked victims, of variated misfortunes, accident & dangers, the last named class is the one in whose ranks I have stood through my infancy, childhood, youth & manhood nearly to the present time so much so that it has seemed at times as though some invisible power or fate was watching my footsteps in order to find some opportunity to take my life from the earth, But I can ownly attribut the continuation of my life on earth to the present time to a merciful Providence whose hand has ben stretched out & rescued me from death in the midst of the many dangers & hair bredths escapes which I have passed through in life
Thus I have occupied considerable space in refering to those peculiar circumstances which have attended me during life and to sum the matter up it stands about thus, I have broaken both legs (one twice in two) both Arms, both Ancles, my breast bone & three ribs, have been drowned, froze, & scalded, have been in two waterhwheels while turning under a full head of water & have passed through a score of other hair breadths esscape yet the mercies of God have been over me, & my life has thus far been preserved on the Earth For which blessing I feel to render the gratitude of my heart with thanksgiving to my Heavenly Father praying that the remainder of my days may be spent in his service & the building up of his Kingdom
I did believe that Revelation, the gifts, graces, & faith once deliverd to the saints which they have enjoyed in all former Ages when God has hasd an acknowledged people on Earth has been done away ownly through the disobedience and unbelief of the children of man I believed evry gift Office and blessing just as necessary to constitute a true church of Christ and Kingdom of God in our day & gener- ation as in any age of the world.
I learned from the scriptures that many of the Ancient Prophets, & Christ and the Apostles, did foresee by Inspiration & Revelation and did prophesy that the Gentile Nations as the Jews had done would would Apostatize & turn away from the true faith and church and
I was taught in the days of my youth by an aged man by the name of Robert Mason who lived in Syimsbury C.t. He was called by many a Prophet and many of his prophesies have since come to pass to my certain knowledge. through fasting, prayer, & the laying on of hands in the name of Jesus Christ the sick were healed, and devils were cast out under his Acdministration, even his own son who had become a raving maniac after praying & fasting for nine days in his behalf He arose from his bed on the ninth day & rebuked the ^evil spirit^ devil & commanded the devil to come out of him in the name of Jesus Christ and it instantly obeyed him & he was made whole from that hour. This man instilled those principles into my mind also into the mind of my Elder Brother Azmon Woodruff ^and Many others^. He did not believe the church & Kingdom of God in its organized form was among man on the Earth. He considerd that he had no authority to administer in any of the ordainances of the Gospel and knew of No man that had, but believed it his privilege or the privilege of any man who had faith in God to fast and pray for the sick by the laying on off hands, and to pray for light knowledge truth visions & revelations. He told me the day was night when the Lord would again esstablish his church and Kingdom on the Earth with all the gifts & graces that were manifest in the days of the Savior. He said it would commence upon the Earth before he died but ithe would not live to enjoy & partake of its blessings but said that I should & that I should become a conspicuous actor in that Kingdom. The last time that I ever saw him He related to me the following visinon which he had in his field in open day "He said I was carried away in a vision & found myself standing in the midst of a vast orchard of fruit trees I became hungry & I wandered through the vast forest of fruit trees searching for Fruit to eat but I found notone & while I stood gazeing in amazement at not finding any fruit amid so many trees they began to fall prostrate around me as though they were torn up by a whirlwind & they continued to fall untill there was not a tree standing in the whole forest I immediately saw young shoots spring up from the roots which formed themselves into young & beautiful trees and they immediately budded, blossomed & bore fruit which ripened to maturity which was the most beautiful of ^to look upon^ of any thing my eyes had ever beheld and I stretched forth my hand & plucked some of the fruit, & I gazed upon it with delight, and as I was about to eat of it the vision closed & I did not eat of it at all. I found myself in my field at the close of the vision and I bowed down
I have plead with the Lord many hours, in the forest, among the rocks, in the fields, in the Mill & at midnight that He would give unto me light, truth, & the spirit of God to lead me in the way of salvation And my Prayers were answered untill many things were revealed unto me & my mind was opened to the truth so much so that I was fully satisfied that I should live to see the true Church of Christ esstablished upon the Earth & a people raised up who would do the will of God & keep his commandments & who would bring forth the true fruit of that Kingdom
I am now twenty years of age & leaving my Fathers house this is an important period & step in my life & in the life of Evry man for at this age generally speaking evry man forms a character both for time and Eternity. The character principles & sentiments which are formed from the age of Eightteen to twenty five are generall so deeply planted in the heart that they controll their future lives & remain with them through life whether they be good or evil. and I felt to say how cautious I ought to be how I pass this link in the chain of my existance I felt that I needed caution prudence circumspection & wisdom to guide my Footsteps as I step forth to act for myself. I reflected upon the days of my youth which were gone & the speed of time which had flown like an arrow to return no more forever, while walkeing in a rapid stream we cannot tread twice in the same water neither can we spend twice the same time then how ought we to prize the golden moments of time & measure it out with our talents to the honor & glory of God & for the salvation of our souls so that when the Lord comes he may recieve his own with usury.
While perusing History we hold convers with men of Judgement wisdom & knowledge & by persueing this course we can lay up an extensive fund of valuable information.
I never have found as interesting a history as the Bible while reading that Book we convers as it were with the Lord & with the Prophets & Apostles of God & while studying the word of God we learn thruths which cannot be obtained from any other source & those Books which contain the revelations of Heaven are of far more interest than those books containing alone the opinions theories & doctrins of man.
At this time I reflected deeply upon the past & I became thoroughly convinced that there was no real peace or Enjoyment in any thing except in the servitce of God or in those things which the Lord would Approbate. And I came to a determined firm resolution in my own mind that from this time henceforth & forever I would seek the Lord with all my heart, I would seek to know his will by faith, Prayer, & the reading of the word of God, and I was determined to follow the dictation of the Holy spirit and do the will of God as far as I could learn it.
I was thoroughly convinced that no man could enjoy true happiness & peace & obtain that which would feed the immortal mind. Except God was his friend, and Jesus Christ his Advocate, & he done their will & kept their commands. Upon this ground I felt determined to stand & spend my future life.
I felt to resolve more and more that I would spend my whole life in the service of the Lord. My work was very light in the Mill and I had much leasure time for reading, meditation & prayer and I began to read the bible with a more prayerful attention than ever before in my life and I found it to be a new book to me it contained truths of the most glorious & sublime nature if I wish for History I could find it there. If I was cast down or tried or tempted I there found a remidy in con- nextion with the spirit of God. The Lord is the author of the Book and his promises swep away the darkness from my mind. The more I prayed & searched the word of God the more I felt my own weekness & dependence upon the Lord. I felt to pray that the Lord would enlighten my my mind, enlarge my heart & give me wisdom & understanding.
The Lord Blessed me with joy happiness & consolation becaus I was acting up to the best light and knowledge I had, and when a man will do that in any age of the world I am satisfied the Lord will bless him.
During the spring of 1832 while at Mr Cowles I read a short article in a News Paper stating that there was a New sect rising up that were called Mormons that professed to have the ancient gifts of the gospel they healed the sick, cast out devils spoke in tongues and performed miracles as the Apostles did and that they were going up to Missouri to a place they called Zion and that they had got a New Book called the Book of Mormon which was revealed to them by an angel of God.
Brother Pulsipher opened the meeting by Prayer He knelt down and asked the Lord in the name of Jesus Christ for what He wanted his manner of praying struck me vary forcibly & I felt the spirit of God bear testimony that He was a servant of God He arose & sung then He preached to the People about one hour & a half & the spirit of God rested upon him He bore a strong testimony of the truth of the gospel which he preached & of the truth of the Book of Mormon which he said was Delivered to Joseph Smith by an Angel out of Heaven. the spirit of the Lord bore a strong testimony to me that what he said was true.
I took the Book of Mormon & went to reading it & the spirit of God bore testimony to me that the Book was true
We arived in the Town of Kirtland on the night of the 25th of April 1834. There for the first time in my life I had an interview with our Beloved Brother Joseph Smith the Prophet Seer & Revelator whom God has raised up in these last day to esstablish his Church & kingdom in the Last days & to bring forth Revelation unto the children of man this was the most important event of my life
On the 27 of April being Sunday I attended meeting and heard many of the Elders preach & testify among whom was Sidney Rigdon, Orson Hyde, ^&^ Orson Pratt. ^Hyrum Smith Oliver Cowdry & Joseph Smith^ it appeared to me there was more light, knowledge, truth, & good sense made manifest in that meeting respecting the gospel & kingdom of God than I had ever received from the whole sectarian wourld during ^my^ life I rejoiced much in being made acquainted with a Prophet of God & the Saints of God I felt that it was in fulfillment of the promises of God to me in former days it was what my soul had desired for many years And I had now found the people, Church, & kingdom of God And I was satisfied And I felt to Praise the name of the Lord with evry feeling of my whole soul
Joseph often taught us in the name of the Lord & was clothed upon with much of the Holy Spirit, and his teachings were vary instructing & Edfying.
at night were aroused by the continual threats of our Enemies who were breathing threats against us yet we did not fear neither did we hesitate to prosecute our Journey for God was with us and his angels for they were seen & went before us & the faith or the little band of valiant men was vary great.
During our Travels we visited many mounds trown up by the Ancient Inhabitants the Nephites & Lamanites & this morning we went onto a high mound near the river Joseph & many of the Brethren went up this mound was vary high from the top of it we could over look the tops of the treese as far as our vision could extend and the scenery was truly delightful. On the top of the mound were stones which presented the Appearance of three Alters having been erected one above the other according to the Ancient order of things & human bones were seen upon the ground. we had taken a shovel along with us Brother Joseph wished us to dig into the mound we dug into it about 1 one foot & kame upon the skeleton of a man almost entire and an Arrow was found sticking in his back bone Elder Milton Holmes picked it out & brought it into camp with one of his legs bones which had broaken He put the leg bone in my waggon & I carried it to Clay County Missouri. Brother Joseph feeling Anxios to learn somthing concerning this man prayed to the Lord & the Lord gave him a vision in open day while lying in his waggon this man & his history was placed before him His Name was Zelph He was a white Lamanite the curse had been taken off from him because of his faith & righteousness He had embraced the gospel He was a short stout thick set man He had been a great warrior Had Joined the Nephites & fought for them under the direction of the great Prophet Onandagus who held sway & command over the Armies of the Nephites from the Hill Cumorah & Eastern Sea to the Rocky mountains though the Book of Mormon does not speak of him He was a great warrior leader [Guard] & prophet. Zelph Had his thigh bone broaken from the sling of a stone while in battle in the days of his youth He was killed with the Arrow sticking in his back bone the vision of the great slaughter of the people at the time that Zelph was killed was opened to the prophet Joseph & there bodies were heeped upon the Earth & that great Mound of near 300 feet High placed over them.
As we halted and were makeing preparation for the night five men armed with guns rode into our camp & told us we see Hell enough before morning and there accompaning oath partook of all the malace of Demands they told us of the various companies of men forming to come against us to night. 60 from Richmond 70 from Clay 200 from Jackson &c all had sworn to destroy us. the weather was pleasant at this time all was calm & sereane but as soon as the men left the camp there was a small cloud as big as a mans hand seen & it soon began to spread with great rapidity & in a few moments the whole Heavens gathered blackness & a mightly storm burst with fury upon the Heads of our Enemies the storm tremendious the wind Hail & rain & thunder met our Enemies in great wrath & soon softened their direful courage and frustrated all their plans to "kill Joe Smith" & his Armey.
All present voted with uplifted hands to Heaven to sustain Brother Joseph & allso the Authorities in Zion who had been appiointed & set apart for this purpose to preside over the Church & Kingdom of God this was the last meeting I ever attended with Joseph Smith in the State of Mo. I counted it one of the greatest Blessings of my life to have the privileg of travelling in Zions Camp with him one thousand miles & of hearing his teachings & instruction it was a feast to my soul.
Clay County Missouri Dec 31st 1834. Be it known that I Wilford Woodruff do freely covenant with my God that I freely consecrate and Dedicate myself together with all my Propertyies and Effects unto the Lord for the purpose of assisting in building up his Kingdom even Zion on the Earth that I may keep his Law & lay all things before the Bishop of the Church that I may be a Lawful heir to the Kingdom of God even the Celestial Kingdom
you may be assured that God hath not finished his work on the Earth & his wsword is hathed in heaven and will soon fall upon Idumea or the world [Isaiah 34:5] yea I believe that most awful events await this generation yea I believe God is about to exhort his power to overthrow Babylon and to shake both Earth and heaven. yea I believe that sword pestilence and famine await this generation of the human family who do not repent and turn unto God and stand in Holy places.
I can say the cause I am ingaged in I will never renounce for friend or foe. No by the grace of God Assisting me I am determined that neither the powers of Earth or Hell wicked men or devils shall ever separate me from the New and Everlasting Covenant which God hath made in these last days with his Saints. I to highly prize and value the Blessings embraced in this covenant to part with such glorious treasures for any shineing straws that are floating down lifes stream. There is virtues in this covenant that will give a man Joy when this Earth shakes like chaos and will fill him with Joy and felicity and glory at the sight of his Lord and Master in the clouds of heaven Yea their souls will be inspired with the recollection that they have fought the good fight, that they have finished their course and are now prepared to receive there crowns [2 Timothy 4:7-8]. Yea I essteem the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of the Earth [Hebrews 11:26] and I am determin to spend my days in the cause even if Father, Mother, Brothers, Sister, and all my kindred oppose me for in some degree I know the value of the cause in which I am Engage And if God be for me who can be against me?
Having embraced the fulness of the Everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ and seeing in it great beauty, power, Glory, and salvation I had a great desire to teach it to my fellow men and this desire increased upon me and rested with great wait upon my mind, but I did not reveal this to any man. But one sunday evening I retired into the woods alone by myself and called upon the Lord in mighty Prayer to open my way to go & Preach the gospel of salvation to the children of men, the spirit of the Lord rested upon me and bore witness unto me that my Prayer was heard & should be answered upon my head I arose from ^my^ knees happy and walked some 40 rods through a thick wood into an open road as I entered the road there stood before me Judge Elias Higby an High Priest with whom I had associated daily but he had never passed a word with me about Preaching to my recollection but now as I approached him He said "Brother Wilford the spirit of the Lord tells me that you should be ordained and go & preach the gospel.["] I said vary well if it is the will of the Lord I am ready.
I felt to lift up my heart in prayer to God to preserve us from the hand of our enemies and to Grant us wisdom & make us meet for our Masters use and assist us to rightly divide the word of truth & give evry man their portion of meat in due season that our garments might be clear of the Blood of all men.
he left me sitting upon a log in the mud and water without any food and 12 miles to the nearest House upon my road. He I gazed upon him as he hastened out of my sight I then knelt down in the water and prayed the Lord in Faith and asked him in the name of Jesus Christ to heal me up and open my way so that I could continue my Journey, and the Lord heard my Prayer and the spirit of God descended upon me and I was healed and I arose and went my way rejoiceing.
We found Brother Benjamin Clapp and wife vary sick I laid Hands upon them and they wer both Healed.
the Lord was merciful to us in the midst of our perils, for while we were in the wood grouping as the blind for the wall, suffering under the blasts of wind and rain, A Light suddenly shone around about us without either aid of Either the sun, moon, or stars and it revealed to us that we were in danger of killing both ourselves and animals by riding of[f] steep bluffs as we were riding upon the Edge of a Deep gulf at the time the light appeared this light conti- nued with us untill we found a house and were put upon the right road then the light disappear and the darkness returned yet we were enabled to reach the house of Brother Henry Thomas at 9 oclok in the evening without receiving any harm either man or beast
My fellow traveller left me sitting upon a log in the mud and water without any food and twelves miles to the nearest house on my road. I gazed upon him as he hastened out of my sight, then knelt down in the mud and water and prayed unto the Lord in the name of Jesus Christ in faith that he would heal me and open my way that I might continue on my journey. The Lord heard my prayer: His Spirit descended upon me and I was healed. I arose, went on my way rejoicing
But the Lord was merciful to us; for while we were in the wood groping as the blind for the wall, suffering under the blast of wind and rain, a light suddenly shone around about us without aid either of the sun moon or stars and it revealed to us that we were in danger of killing both ourselves and animals by riding off steep bluffs. We were on the edge of a deep gulf when the light appeared which continued with us until we found a house and were put on the right road. The light then disappeared and the darkness returned: yet we reached the house of brother Henry Thomas at 9 o'clock in the evening without having received any hurt either to ourselves or horses.
But the Lord was merciful to us; for while we were in the wood groping as the blind for the wall, suffering under the blast of wind and rain, a light suddenly shone around about us without aid either of the sun moon or stars and it revealed to us that we were in danger of killing both ourselves and animals by riding off steep bluffs. We were on the edge of a deep gulf when the light appeared which continued with us until we found a house and were put on the right road. The light then disappeared and the darkness returned: yet we reached the house of brother Henry Thomas at 9 o'clock in the evening without having received any hurt either to ourselves or horses. We were five hours in the storm and had ridden twenty miles and crossed creeks about as many times as the miles we had travelled. All were impressed with the care of Providence towards and we felt to return the Lord thanks for our preservation and his blessings so signally marked in our history of that day. This surely deserves notice as one of the episodes of my life and an instance of deliverance from the Lord in a time of need.
The last of May was thus far the most interesting & important day of my life for on this day I was ordained one of the Second Seventies. My ordination was requested by the Presidency of the Church at Kirtland. There were glorious things pronounced upon my head by the Spirit of prophecy and revelation. It was said that my enemies would strive to take my life but that God would deliver me out of their hands; that the Lord would give me the desire of my heart and that his eye had been upon me all my life long to prepare me for this work; that I should travel to the nations of the earth and the Islands of the sea to proclaim the word of God.
The Temple of the Lord came in sight (first in importance to our view) before we reached Kirtland. I truly rejoy^i^ced as the House of the Lord rose in the view as we drew near this stake of Zion. It was the first time that I had seen the Temple built by the commandment of God in this generation
Two years and a half had elapsed since I left Kirtland with my brethren in poverty to go up to visit our brethren in tribulation in Zion. The Saints at Kirtland were then poor despised and looked upon by the pomp of Babylon with disdain and people with eager eyes wanted to behold them sink into forgetfulness. But what a change has come? Now I behold a cheerfulness beaming upon every countenance and the scenes around indicated prosperity. The noise of the ax^e^ and the hammer and their bank and market and especially the House of God speak in language loud as thunder that the Saints will have a city in spite of all the false prophets of Baal and in spite of even earth and hell combined because God is with them and His Temple stands in honor of his kingdom while Babylon begins to wonder and she will soon perish."
The reflective mind is struck with deep sensibility in viewing the rise & progress, and decline and fall of the nations and Kingdoms of the earth since the days of Adam. And it is equally important and interesting to contemplate the day that has already begun in fulfilment of ancient prophecy when Israel shall be restored the Kingdom of God established upon the earth and the covenants made by the Lord unto Abraham Isaac and Jacob realized by their seed. As I read this book and reflected upon those things I sensibily felt my calling from the Lord as his servant to act my part in the fulfilment of his work and now as one of the first Seventies of Israel to become a special witness of Jesus Christ to the nations
The Prophet Joseph then arose and addressed the congregation for the space of three hours, clothed with the power spirit and image of God. He presented many things of vast importance to the Elders of Israel. O that the record could be written as with an iron pen of the Eight principles and virtue that came forth out of the mouth and heart of the Prophet Joseph whose miss[ion]soul like Enoch's seems wide as eternity. That day showed strikingly that he is in very deed and a Prophet of God raised up for the deliverence of Israel
Joseph then arose and like the Lion of the Tribe of Judah poured out his soul in the midst of the congregation of Saints. While listening I thought "Who can find language to write his words and teachings as with an iron pen in a rock that they might stand for future generations to look upon." He seemed a fountain of knowledge from whose mouth streams of eternal wisdom flowed; and ^as^ he stood before the people he showed that the authority of God was upon him.
They said it would not do for us to go ^and^ for that we should be killed &c if we did go These fears formed no part of my trials yet at no part of my time since I had joined the Church was I subject to more care and suspence than now. Yet I was never stronger in the faith.
In the evening Phebe for the first time during her sickness began to lay hold on faith for her recovery. Her confidence grew strong and we laid hold on faith together; and together we confessed our sins before the Lord and covenanted to keep his commandments. I had with me some oil that was consecrated in Kirtland for my anointing. I again consecrated it for the healing of the sick and bowed myself before the Lord and prayed with my companion and anointed and laid hands upon her in the name of Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God our prayer was answered and the fever left her Two days more and the voice of the Lord was to us to arise and continue our way to Zion and through the mercy of God Phebe was enabled to rise and walk a little. She had been confined at this place four days where we were treated kindly.
Brother Isaac Leany was in company with about 20 others at Hawn's Mills in upper Missouri when a large armed mob fell upon them with loaded rifles and other weapons and shot down seventeen of the Saints and murdered them in cold blood. Brother Leany fled from the scene for life and while fleeing the mob poured forth a shower of balls upon him which pierced his body through and through. He showed me eleven holes in his body and there wasere 27 in his shirt 7 in his pantaloons and his coat was literally cut to rags. One ball entered his body at one arm pit and came out at the other; another ball entered the back and came out of the breast and balls passed through each hip each leg and each arm. All thiese wasere received while runing for life. Strange in fact miraculous as it was all these wounds with the addition of a broken rib from one of the balls yet the speed of this brother was not lessened but he entirely out-run his pursuers and saved his life. This is as remarkable a case as ever recorded in history of a man being literally riddled with balls besides having his clothes almost cut to rags on his back with the shower of lead and yet to outrun his pursuers and save his life just as though only a few pees had been showered after him. He was at this Conference now; and we can only acknowledge his miraculous preservation to be by the power and mercy of God.
How to detect the Devil, When transformed into an Angel of Light! The Prophet said that when an angel of God appears unto man face to face in person and reaches out his hand unto the man and he in thaking hold of the angel's hand feels a substance the same as one man would in shaking hands with another then may he know that such a personage is an angel of God. The person who receives a visit from a being of this order should place all
Ever keep in exercise the principles of mercy and be ready to forgive your brotherren on the first signs of repentance and his asking forgiveness; and should we even forgive our brother or our enemy before he ask it our Heavenly Father will he equally as merciful unto us. We ought also to be willing to confess all our sins and keep nothing back.
When the Twelve or any other of the witnesses of Jesus Christ stand before the congregations of the earth and preach in power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost and the people are astonished and confounded at the doctrine and shall say that man has preached a powerful discourse—a great sermon, then let that man or those men take care that they do not ascribe the glory unto themselves but be careful that they are humble and ascribe the praise and glory to God and the Lamb for it is by the power of the Holy Priesthood and the Holy Ghost that they have the power thus to speak.
Be honest open and frank in all your intercourse with mankind.
During my stay in Preston we had many calls every day to lay hands upon the sick and pray with them and in most cases they were healed.
The Saints in England had great confidence in God and his servants and there were so many applying for the laying on of hands that it required on our parts great faith and much of the Spirit to answer to the faith in the people.
On the 10th of Feb Queen Victoria of England was married to Prince Albert. As many on this day were celebrating the marriage of the Queen I thought it right to honor the king of heaven by advocating his cause and preaching the Gospel of his son Jesus Christ.
I bore testimony of the great work which God had set his hand to accomplish and of the Second Coming of Christ and warned the people to repent and be baptized for the remission of sins.
I had a remarkable dream by which I felt certain that there would be a great gathering of fish in the Gospel and that I should baptize many and some noted persons.
I was weary when I arrived home and unwell during the night, but felt thankful unto the Lord for the privilege of preaching to the inhabitants of this Great city and to have gained one soul as a seal to our ministry
In thy land thousands of the Saints of God have been driven from place to place county to county and State to State and the blood of martyrs has been spilt for the testimony of Jesus: and when thy rulers have been petitioned for the redress of the wrongs of the Lord's people and thy citizens they have turned a deaf ear in their crys Therefore O America! thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting. From this time forth perplexity shall rest upon thee and confusion in thy government wisdom righteousness and truth shall depart from thy rulers and fully sit in thy Congress and thy shame shall be known among the nations of the earth. It shall be a vexation to understand the report of the sorrow and woe that shall come upon thee by sword fire tempest earthquakes and pestilence from the hands of God until thy government is broken up and thou art destroyed as a nation from under Heaven. From this hour shall these things come upon thee and shall not cease until the whole is accomplished and fulfilled upon thy head"
This was a day which we had long desired to see for we had laboured exceedingly hard to establish a Church in London and at times it seemed as though we should have to give it up but by holding on to the work of our Divine Master and claiming the promises of God we were now to leave an established London Conference with a prosperous Church planted in the Metropolis under the care of our beloved brother Lorenzo Snow
There was a crowded meeting and many could not get into the house. Four offered themselves for baptism. The Spirit witnessed to me that there would many embrace the Gospel in Monmouthshire and I said, "The harvest is great and the labourers few.
We had a very interesting time at the Conference and a large assembly of the Saints. It was the last ^time^ that I should attend in that part of my old and beloved field of labour during my present mission to England and whether or not I should ever meet here a conference assembly of Saints again was one of the secrets of my future left to time to reveal. We had held our meeting without disturbance from the mob who were present for they were kept quiet by the Police in attendance, who were in disguise, but after the closing of the conference meeting a scene followed not easily described in which the Saints and myself were the actors. I had escaped the mobbing of the wicked but now if I may so describe it I was fairly mobbed by the brethren and sisters No sooner had the meeting closed than multitudes of the Saints crowded around me and hands were presented me on every side to bid me farewell Many called for me to bless them before I departed, they cried out "Lay hands upon me and heal me before you go" One came with, "Brother Woodruff I am turned out of doors for my religion. What shall I do?" Another with "I am ready to go to Zion but my wife wont go with me. Shall I leave her to gather with the Saints?" A wife in turn says "My husband beats me and turns me out of doors because I have been baptized. I have money enough to carry me and the children to Zion will you let me go without him?" "Brother Woodruff my mother is over 80 years of age and has willed me 60 pounds at her death but will not emigrate with me Must I stay for her to die or leave her now to go with the Saints?" One said, "I have sold my little place and shall have 30 pounds to-morrow but must go out into the street. I have not enough to carry my family to America. Can you help me to a few pounds or tell me what to do? And an Elder cried out "How much longer must I preach in England before you will let me
Two of those present Elders James and Henry Jones were like Paul had been great persecutors but were now preaching what they had once persecuted
After the meeting was dismissed I was about three hours shaking hands with the Saints healing the sick and giving counsel to the multitude who surrounded me many of whom were in tears as we parted. Nearly fifty came to me to ask me to take them to Zion when I had not means to take myself. I however gave Sister Foxal five pounds to make up enough to help her and her husband and children to the land of America. She had raised 30 pounds by using every exertion for six months to gather with the Saints and the five pounds which I gave her was a donation of Elder Edward Ockey who was imparting of his substance to help the poor of the Church to gather.
I had now fairly ended my Herefordshire mission and bidden a last farewell to that field of labour where the Lord had blessed me beyond all my expectations I now left three conferences in the region which I opened one year before on the 5th of the same month that I left this vineyard planted all over with Churches numbering fifteen hundred Saints.
I spent the night at Brother ^William^ Box who had been sorely tempted and afflicted of the Devil for many days We laid our hands upon him and cast the devil out and he had peace.
Before we left the Twelve laid their hands upon the head of Orson Hyde and blessed him in the name of the Lord as he had been set apart to go to the Holy Land, Jerusalem as a messenger and forerunner of the return of Israel to build up the waste places of Jerusalem Much of the Spirit rested upon us when we blessed him Elder Kimball was mouthpiece and Elder Taylor Scribe
This was the first time I had visited Liverpool since I first landed. It gave me peculiar feelings to set down to the festive board with 200 Saints and to think that when we first landed there was not a soul in that great place who belonged to the Church but ourselves
Joseph the Prophet said that The Book of Mormon was the most correct as the word of God of any Book on Earth and that a man would get nearer to God by abiding in its precepts than by that of any other book. He said it is the key stone of our religion.
The Prophet observed during his remarks that some said he was a fallen prophet because he did not bring forth more of the word of the Lord Why does he not do it? was their cry. We are able to receive it!" But he said unto us—"No not one in this room is prepared In revelation he remarked "that a man might command his son to do a thing and before he had done it and with sufficient reason before he had done it tell him to do something else and it was considered right. But if the Lord gives a command and afterwards
Elder Brigham Young arose and said that one thing rested with weight upon his mind—namely that we ought to be prepared to keep each commandment as it came from the mouth of the Prophet and as the Lord had commanded us to build a Temple we should do it speedily
The following day the Twelve spent with Joseph the Seer and he unfolded to them many glorious things at the Kingdom of God the privileges and blessings of the Pristhood &c. I had the privilege for the first time of Seeing the Urum Thummim
New Years day 1842 found me in the city of Nauvoo with the quorum of the Twelve and our wives spending the day at the house of brother Stodard. It was an interesting occassion for us to meet together with our families at a festive time in the city of the Saints in the midst of peace and love. We could the more highly prize this privilege as we were so often called to be seperated in the vineyard of the Lord. It was now my privilege and lot to tarry for a season at home, and to provide for my family This was the first time since I had been in the Church that I had been thus privileged as I had been on missions most of the time for eight years As we had now the commandment of the Lord to build the Temple and the Nauvoo house resting upon us the probability was that the Quorum of the Twelve would spend most of the time in Nauvoo until the Temple was built.
I had been much edified of late in hearing Joseph converse upon the mystries of the Kingdom of God. "Truly," I thought, "the Lord is with him and making him mighty in Knowledge and wisdom" and I was convinced that none of the Prophets or Seers have ever accomplished a greater work than the Lord will bring to pass in the last days through the instrumentality of Joseph
"In the early ages of the world a righteous man—a man of God and intelligence had a better chance to do good, to be received and beleived than at the present day. In these days such a man is much opposed and persecuted by most of the inhabitants of the earth and he has much sorrow to pass through. Hence the Lord takes many away even in infancy that they may escape the envy of man and the sorrows and evils of the present world. ^and they were too true and too lovely to live on earth^ Therefore I rightly considered instead of mourning we have reason to rejoice as they are delivered from the evil and we shall soon have them again.
"The moment children leave this world "they are taken into Abraham's bosom. The only difference between the old and young dying is that one lives longer in heaven and eternal light and glory than the other and was freed a little sooner from this misserable wicked world. Notwithstanding all this glory we for a moment lose sight of it and mourn the loss but we mourn not as those without hope." We should take warning and not wait for the death bed to repent. As we see the infant taken away by death so may the youth and middle aged as well be called suddenly into eternity Let this then prove as a warning to all not to procrastinate repentance nor wait till a death bed comes for it is the will of God that man should repent and serve Him in health and strength and in the power of his mind in order to secure his blessing and ^not^ to wait until he is called to die."
Upon the same principle do I contend that baptism is a sign ordained of God for every believer in Christ to take upon himself in order to enter into the Kingdom of God. "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God said the Saviur "As it is a sign and commandment which God hath set for man to enter into his Kingdom those who seek to enter in by any other way will seek in vain God will not receive them neither will the angels acknowledge their work as accepted for they have not taken upon themselves those ordinances and signs which God ordained for men to receive in order to receive celectial glory. God has decreed that all who will not obey his voice shall not escape the damnation of hell. And what is the damnation of hell? Why to go and be numbered with that society who have not obeyed His commands. Baptism is a sign to God and to angels and to Heaven that we do the will of the Father and there is no other way ordained by God for man to come unto Him and any other course is vain.
There are certain key words and signs belonging to the Priesthood which must be observed in order to obtain the blessings The sign of Peter was to repent and be baptised for remission of sins with the promise of the gift of the Holy Ghost; and in no other way is the gift of the Holy Ghost obtained
"What is the sign of the healing of the sick? The laying on of hands is the sign marked by James and the custom of the ancient Saints as ordained by the Lord; and we shall not obtain the blessing by pursuing any other course than that which God hath marked out. [James 5:14-15]
There is a difference between the Holy Ghost and the gift of the Holy Ghost. Cornelius received the Holy Gost before he was baptized which was the convincing power of God unto him of the truth of the Gospel; but he could not receive the gift of the Holy Ghost until after he was baptized. [Acts 10:44-48] Had he not taken this sign, this ordinance upon himself the Holy Spirit which convinced him of the truth of God would have left him.
"As concerning the resurrection I will merely say that all will come from the grave as they lie down whether old or young there will not be added to their stature one cubit neither taken from it all being raised by the power of God having spirit in their bodies and not blood "Children will be enthroned in the presence of God and the Lamb with bodies of the same stature as they were one earth having been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. They will there enjoy a fulness of that light glory and intelligence which is received in the celestial Kingdom of God. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord for they rest from their labours and their works do follow them"
Before closing the speaker called upon the vast assembly to humble themselves before God and in mighty faith prayer and fasting call upon his holy name that the inhabitants of that city might escape the power of the Destroyer that rideth upon the face of the earth and that the Holy Ghost may rest upon them and the earth ^be^ sanctified under their feet.
President Joseph Smith went forth into the river and baptized with his own hands about 80 persons for the remission of sins and what added joy to the occasion was that the first person baptized was Mr. L. D Wason a nephew of sister Emma Smith and he was the first of her kindred who had embraced the Gospel
"It is a very solemn and awful time. I never felt more solemn. It calls to my mind the death of my oldest brother who died in New York and of my youngest brother Carlos who died in Nauvoo It has been hard for me to live on earth and see those young men upon whom we have leaned as support and comfort taken from us in the glory of their youth. I have sometimes felt that I should have been more reconciled to have been called myself if God had so willed it. Yet I know we ought to be still and know that it is of Him and be reconciled "All is right. It will be but a short time before we shall all in like manner be called. It may be the case with me as well as with you. Some have supposed that brother Joseph could not die but this is a mistake. It is true there have been times when I have had the promise of my life to accomplish such and such things; but having accomplished those things I have not at present any lease of my life and am as liable to die as other men"
"If you wish to go where God is you must be like Him or possess the principles which he possesses for if we are not drawing towards God in principle we are going from Him and drawing towards the Devil.
"Is not God good? Then be you good. If He is faithful, then be you faithful. And to your faith virtue and to virtue knowledge and seek for every good thing.
"If you wish to go where God is you must be like Him or possess the principles which he possesses for if we are not drawing towards God in principle we are going from Him and drawing towards the Devil "Search your hearts and see if you are like God. I have searched mine and feel to repent of my ^all^ sins
"As far as we degenerate from God we descend to the Devil and lose our knowledge and without knowledge we cannot be saved
"A man is saved no faster than he gets knowledge; for if he does not get knowledge he will be brought into captivity by some evil power
It is sufficient to encourage the Saint to overcome in the midst of every trial trouble and tribulation. Though thunders roar and earthquakes bellow, lightnings flash and wars be on every hand yet suffer not a joint to tremble nor let your heart faint for the great Elohiem will deliver you; and if not before, the resurrection will set you eternally free from all those things and from pain sorrow and death. I have laboured hard and sought every way to try to prepare this people to comprehend the things which God is unfolding to me. In speaking of the resurrection I would say that God hath s^h^own unto me a vision of the resurrection of the dead; and I saw the graves open and the Saints as they arose took each other by the hand even before they got up or while getting up and great joy and glory rested upon them.
They would then need that more sure word of prophecy that they were sealed in the heavens and had the promise of Eternal Life in the Kingdom of God. Then having this promise sealed unto them it was as an anchor to their soul sure and steadfast. Though the thunders might roll & lightenings flash, earthquakes bellow and war gather thick around yet this knowledge would support the soul in every hour of trial and tribulation
Finally as one that greatly desires the salvation of man let me remind you all to strive with a Godly zeal for virtue holiness and the commandments of the Lord. Be wise be just be liberal and above all be charitable, always abounding in all good works.
I will say something about the Spirits in Prison. there has been much said upon the words of Jesus to the "Thief on the Cross" saying "This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise. The Comentators and Translators make Jesus to say Paradise. But what is Par[adise]? It is a modern word and does not answer at all to the original which Jesus used. There is nothing in the original of any language signifying Paradise. But it was "This day I will be with thee in the world of Spirits" and will teach thee or answer thy inquiries. The "Theif on the Cross" was to be with Jesus Christ in the world of Spirits. He did not say Paradise or heaven.
Items from Brigham Young's Remarks Among many other things he said "Why do the people oppose the gifts and graces? If a man can get faith by the power of God and the gift of the Holy Ghost so as to lay hands upon his wife and children or friends when they lie sick and languishing nigh unto death and command the fever or disease or even death itself to depart and the person is releived I ask what harm is there in all this? Or if a man by faith and humility before God can get the testimony of Jesus and prophesy of things to come or speak in tongues or cast out devils I ask what harm in all this? Does it do any harm? No it does not. I know the New Testament is true; for I have proved it according to the pattern given by beleiving in Christ obeying the Gospel and knowing the signs do follow. Then I ask do these things harm any one? No they do not."
On the ^Sunday^ afternoon of the 6th which was Sunday we met in the Canaanite Church about 300 Saints. Elder Grant opened the meeting and ^which^ President Brigham Young addressed the meeting at considerable length. Among other things he said "A man or a woman may ask of God and get a witness and testimony from [word erased] concerning any work or messenger sent unto them; but if a person asks for a thing that does not concern him such as governing the Church &c he will not get an answer and if he does it will not be from God"
Synopsis of the Discourse of President Brigham Young I wish to make a few remarks concerning the subject of our faith. We hear the Elders represent the feelings of the brethren concerning the gathering The Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ is a gathering Spirit. Its tendency is to gather the virtuous and good—the honest and meek of the earth—in fine the Saints of God.
I have made sacrifices a great many times. The Lord has promised a hundred fold and I have taken this course to get rich—to give all I had, and God has given me many blessings in consequence. If I have been too bold in asking then be you too bold in giving. Give your all and God will repay as much again."
"I speak in parables. I compare the Saints to a good cow. When you milk her clean she will always have abundance of milk to give; but if you milk her a little and she will soon dry up. So with the Saints. If they do but little in building up Zion they soon have but little to do with.
We are rough stones out of the mountain and when we roll through the forest and knock the bark off the trees it does not hurt us even if we should get a corner knocked off occassionally. The more we roll and get the corners knocked off the better we are; but if we were polished and smooth when we got the corners knocked off it would deface us This is the case with Joseph Smith. He never professed to be a dressed smooth polished stone but was rough out of the mountains and has been rolling among the rocks and trees and it has not hurt him at all. But he will be as smooth and polished in the end as any other stone while many that were so very polished and smooth in the beginning get badly defaced and spoiled while rolling about."